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how do i break up with her...

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How can I break up with my girlfriend with out breaking her heart? We have gone out once for like 2 months... GREAT TWO MONTHS we did alot just for such a lil time. Then she cheated on me ... yeah you see? We got back together 2 weeks ago because I thought i still thought of her the same. Well I don't even come close to trustin her at all I feel totaly different and my friends told me how stupid I was for going out with her and I dont want to look stupid here... what do I do?

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i really wouldn't worry about hurting her, i mean she cheated on you. but you just need to tell her you got back with her thinking that it would be the same, and it just isn't anymore. its as simple as that. time heals all, there isn't a way to avoid the pain of a breakup, but your better off doing it sooner rather than later.

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Wow, at 14 your already having these issues. How times have changed.

How can I break up with my girlfriend with out breaking her heart?

Why are you worried about "breaking her heart" when SHE CHEATED ON YOU? If she can't be trusted just let her go. I think you'll agree that breaking up with her will be a lot less painful for her compared to how she made you feel when she cheated.

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Do what you think is best for you, based on your own feelings, not what your friends think or how you will look. That said, if you don't feel the same about her, then end things. If you're going to end it, I think the best way, and perhaps the least hurtful way (though it will hurt regardless) is to tell her in person that it's over and be totally honest with her about the reasons. If she tries to change your mind, just state firmly that you have made up your mind, and walk away. Keep it brief and to the point.

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