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I want her Best friend...badly.

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Ive been with this girl for about 9 months no, on and off.

We had a pretty good relationship, but she seems to be...screwing up.

She has fooled around with other guys...and girls many times (usually drunk) and Im fed up with her. And I finally like someone else...


But why did it have to be her best friend?


Her bestfriend is really good looking, funny, can drive, and is totally honest.

She invited me to her house today. I of course accepted, and we sat on her bed reading her old notes.

I had an urge to kiss her...

we then suddenly had a little kiss, it even seemed like a friendship kiss.

We didn't talk much about it after, and continued reading her old notes.


Would this be fair to the girl i was with?... Or, should I just ignore the feelings and pretend nothing happened.


Her best friend always gives me notes, and laughs at all my lame jokes.

She waits for me after class too.


I told her that the girl I was dating feels uncomfortable with us hanging out but she just replied by saying "Screw her, we're just friends having fun?"


Now, should I ignore...or go on with this?

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Um, if your girlfriend is a liar and cheater, leave her. Why are you with her in first place if she cheats that often?


Then give it some time and see what happens. I don't usually think its a good idea to get together with ex's friends though, but it depends on how close they are too...in high school your network of friends is smaller so often everyone knows everybody, etc.


But, don't cheat on your girlfriend just because she did it to you, end the relationship first and be the bigger person.

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I a little confused...are you broken up w/her yet? If not, you should probably do so ASAP, she doesn't seem like she is worth it. As for the best friend...I don't know. Sounds like the best friend likes you. But you're not over the other girl are you? It's not a good idea to jump from one relationship into another. But I see no problem with taking things slowly and working towards a new relationship with the new girl. Continue hanging out with her...but please give yourself time to get over the other girl, because I can guarantee it will cause you problems in the future, if you don't take some time alone (out of a relationship) to deal with the feelings you have about the other girl and to get over the pain she caused you by cheating on you mutiple times.

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I think you should go for the other girl immediately, what do you have to lose? But first have a clear conversation with the girl whom you have been dating, end the relationship and go get the girl you ara comfortable with!

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