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Hey, I have a question for all of you out there, in current relationships, or that were in a relationship that lasted over 5 months, or so.

I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 months or so now.. and I sometimes still don't know what to say to her.. if she comes over or something, we always find things to do, but it's mostly at school, because she's a year younger than I am.. so we're not in any classes together, but we always sit together, with some friends and play cards at lunch and recess, (there's nothing else to do). So I guess I am just wondering if any of you out there, still sometimes just sit there with your partner, and don't really have anything to talk about.. or you don't know what to say.. do you still sometimes feel nervous? or get butterflies talking to them? I do sometimes, but it's weird, because we've been through a lot of stuff together (good things) so I think I am comfortable with her, because I can talk to her easily, but then sometimes I get these feelings. Things are great between us, but sometimes our conversations need a little boost, or something.. We're really good friends, and she is tight with my parents, and I am pretty tight with hers.. but I still sometimes feel like our conversations are like we just started going out or something.. most of the time they're normal.. any advice?

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I run into the same situation sometimes...I've been with my boyfriend for 10 months, and there are days where we both just sit there, not saying much. Other days, we can't get each other to shut up. So it's like a balance. I thought these same things and after talking to some people about it, I realized that in relationships you can't ALWAYS have something to talk about that's all that exciting and new...because honestly, sometimes nothing much is going on. Besides, 5 months into a relationship, you guys ahve already probably talked about pretty much everything, right? So don't worry, it's normal to be like this. As an alternate example to prove my point, look at my mom and her boyfriend. They have days where they don't talk much. It was the same with her and my dad. It's nearly impossible to have something to talk about each and every day...so don't stress over it!



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what is happeining to you is normal, happens to everyone. Its a sure sign of contentment, that you are so happy together that you dont always have to have something to say. I have been with my guy for 3 years and there are times we just say nothing for hours. Since you both go to the same school you have similar routines, so finding something new and exciting to dicuss can be hard. but dont get nervous, it happens to us all, and is a sign of a healthy relationship.

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