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help, i'm going frickin nuts not calling him. We broke up about two months ago, i moved into my own place about three hours from where he lives. I have seen him twice since he breakup, we want to continue the relationship in hopes of getting back together but it is hard because of the distance we now have between each other. i think about him every minute of the day, I want to call him all the time. How in the"hell" do you people do this NC contact thing? It's drives me nuts when he doesn't call, and I wonder what he doing or what's he is up to. How do you do NC and keep your sanity at the same time? help plz

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Hi Sea Bisquit


I'm guessing by your post that you don't want to get back with him, for whatever reason. Just to tell you that r hours is not that far, if you do want to get back with him

Yes i know the NC thing is extremely hard, it is a choice you made for betterment of yourself, keep that in mind. Think about yourself for now, because you need to heal.

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You just got to stop caring honestly.


If you can do that, then NC will work.


I admit, I think about my ex sometimes. Hell i just did, and loged on to here, to read around what people are posting. It's kinda my way of getting my mind off my issues, and trying to help others. You just gotta let go, and stop looking at the cellphone every 5 mins to see if theres a missed call or a text message. I do that sometimes. Well i did. now i don't even care where my cellphone is! You just gotta just get back to being you. once you do that, it fades out, and you'll feel better.


If it's ment to be, then both people will work at getting it back to where it was. You were a couple, and it takes 2 to get the relationship to work. If both people want it back, then it will happen. If one runs away, doesn't want it anymore, doesn't care... then it's done. Move on! because that's what they are doing.

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I have seen him twice since he breakup, we want to continue the relationship in hopes of getting back together but it is hard because of the distance we now have between each other.


How much distance is there? How long ago did he say he wanted to get back together?

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Hell sadCar, i DO want him back, i just don't see how the NC thing works when you are wanting to get back together. I want him back but I don't want to seem like I'm desperate by calling him all the time. I do have a chance at getting back together but I don't want to do anything stupid. I'm upset right now because I called im over the weekend and he never reurned my call. he always calls me back right away but this time he didn't. now i'm paranoid, and don't know what to do.

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Do not panic about him not calling you right back. If he doesn't call back today, try again in a few days. I'm assuming that you're leaving a voice message too when you don't get a hold of him. Make sure you do this, because people often use the excuse "you didn't leave a message."


Eventually, one of you is going to have to close the gap on the whole LDR thing. I'm not sure if you guys already have a plan or not though, but that's something to think about in the future.


For now though, just don't panic. Communication is vital in LDR's, but you're not necessarily in one right now. So, for now just sit on him not calling you back. No biggie, it's only one call, and it won't make or break you. Take it as that and nothing more.

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