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Getting over them & on the mend!


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Thought I'd post something positive about what I've learned and hope it brings some encouragement to others maybe in a similar situation.

I'll try to break it into sections for ease.


--Brief back story--

Went through some typical things about a month ago of dating someone for a few months and then them vanishing with out a word! Yet had no signs of fading or loss of interest, the night before they were kissing, cuddling so this was like driving a car and a animal running out in front situation!


--My reaction--

I didn't lash out, didn't send loads of messages or calls. Upon noticing my follow up text to a missed call was ignored, I left it a few days and left a final text saying I hoped everything was okay her end.

Walk away calm and respectfully I say, even if they didn't.


--Constantly on your mind--

I questioned "why?" for days, looking for any answer in old texts, even replaying in my head the final night or asking friends/family.

Just remove them from social media or block, delete the messages and pictures. Out of sight helps get them out of mind.

I saw this as if I EVER gave a 2nd chance down the line, I'd rather new memories to look at.


--Keep busy--

Catch up with old friends, start a new hobby or course. It's never too late!

Personally I started a course with a goal of finishing the exam at the end, bring some positivity to yourself through your own efforts.

I also started going for runs, as physical attraction is important so become better and let it be their loss! Yes do try date people if you feel up for it as well. You never know.


--Urges to contact--

Occasionally the urge to contact just 1 more time will come. "Maybe they have got over things or changed their mind now?" No don't do it, they will let you know. Your value as a person will increase if they don't know what you're doing or if you still think of them. When this happens just put your phone aside focus on a hobbie, or just call a friend instead so you can let it out.



It's about removing them from the pedestal you place them on, growing as a better person and learning about yourself. It gets easier over time and you'll find that you will probably become a more interesting person and possibly healthier.


Turn the loss into a positive that you created really! :)


Hope this has helped or add to it really.

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