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HOw do u really KnOw U r In Love!!!!!

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Now i know lot's of people wonder,

"how do i know I am in love?",

"is this really love iam feeling?"

WEll i was just wondering if i can get some tips from an older people who have been through alot in relationships or even make sacrafices for love,

I want to know if you ended up marrying that perosn and how did u know you loved them or they were the one for you...SO what is love?? How do u know it even existed..

Please give us some good encouraging words for us "The Youth" " The Innocents" "The First Timers" etc..


The best advice I love to hear is from the wise ones ( single parents, young parents, elders, even young people , but the people who experience alot in their life whether it's within a year u experience something new and differnet) which is everyone, because everyone has something new they have learnt or experience even a testomonie from God ...


So wat is Love?

how do u know u are in love?


Thanks And Peace !!

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i agree. however...im going to take it to another level. because marriages usually dont sustain the sweat palms and butterflies-heck not even a one year relationship. i think real love is when those intitail feelings of INFACTUATION (non stop thinking and dreaming and really happiness) somewhat die and you still want to be with that person. you realize that they're not perfect (unlike in the beginning when you think they're flawless) and ACCEPT THEIR FLAWS. when you know you would want their happiness no matter what (even if they werent with you). its taking it beyond the "classic" signs. thats why true love requires time. because time is what defines the different fazes, which is why most relationships we go through end because at first we felt those OMGGGGG IN LUVVV feelings but eventually those cute things became annoying. or after you've gotten through all the awkward cute moments you're left feeling bored. so to know its for real, you need time. to see how you feel after that initial in love. thats my two cents. if you can use this and mean it" forever in my heart always in my prayers" (my personal lil luvv thing) then i think its probably the real thing. including after a fight or breakup or something.

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Love..(sighs) wat a feeling..

LOve is when you don't give up loving that person whether your with them or not and let them be..

Love....you think about them in the waking hours and before sounding to sleep, you have them in your mind , that you hope there doing well and hope their missing you too..

Love is when you believe in that person and fully trust them no matter how far they can be.. you feel their presense near you(in spirit).

Love is when you listen to a song and memerizing about those days you we're once together , a tear falls down your check and sigh with an awwww feeling. hoping to get back together.

Love is an undescribable feeling..

Love is when you don't give up hope and faith

Love is when you see them and you get nervouse you start trembling and start acting weird..LOL(inside joke)

Love....After making love with them you are still laying beside eachother wrapped up in nakedness...watching them during their sleep

When you are in Love you tend to see the beauty around them and within yourself..


Don't forget even when you love that person you can at times turn around and be angry at that person because something they have done to hurt you and end up being sad , but it doesn't mean you weren't in love cuz part of love is also being hurt

Love can be a risk


I Love you Always C.A.M wish you the best..E.G.M


If I could have just one wish,

I would wish to wake up everyday

to the sound of your breath on my neck,

the warmth of your lips on my cheek,

the touch of your fingers on my skin,

and the feel of your heart beating with mine...

Knowing that I could never find that feeling

with anyone other than you.

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You want to know how you know when you're in love, I'll tell you. Its when the person you're with shows that they care, you feel the same way, they treat you with respect and vice versa, all the good stuff and when the irritate the life out of you making you want to snap their neck sometimes and you still couldn't see life without them anyway!

Maybe its just me but thats how I feel.lol

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goddess23 i couldnt have put it better , ive alwyas explained love exact same...the thing about diffrence between love and infactuation i think alot ALOT of people confuse or dont realise........i think alot of ppl think teir in love when just infatuation.........love is SO much more then that gushy feleing.....




my current ex: butterflies that faded, but a strong connection n love n respect that never failed even fater the break up, the friendship, trust, communication, knowing u can let them go because u love them enuff,,,all that jazz.........


i now know which one is really love


he showed me

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Hmm...Love...Love is a word we use inorder to if even barely attempt to describe a feeling with no true discription...for centuries poets and artists have tried with no luck to fully understand the meaning of love..But some may say that love is the ability to forgive no matter what happens...The ability to do anything even just for one brief second of absolute bliss...Such as knowing that you gave your life but saved there's...The connection both mentally and physically between 2 people...To know that no matter how deep of a hole you dig yourself into, they will be there to help you dig yourself out...To trust, and believeing anything they say, even if you know they are wrong, and to be there to back them up, even for a lost 'cause...To be able to completely degrate yourself to make them laugh...To be the shoulder they cry on when their life becomes troubled..And knowing that at the end of the day you will be lying next to the only person in the world that wonders how much different it could have been if you never would have gotten their attention so long ago...And even this coming from someone who has only felt this feeling once, still knowing that someday, maybe even too late I will realize that what I had back then was worth every agonizing day I went through to feel that glimpse of happiness...Yeah...

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thanks charlotte! yeah thats what ive noticed too, and you know its like with my ex (we're together again) but yeah...he got confused after those sweaty palms went away. but its after he realized there's so much more. thats why the classic "you just know" or "its the butterflies and blah blah..." yes its those things but its so much more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i can relate i had this girl friend and im 14 so im thinking am i inlove then i read but u said and i am feeling everysingle of wat u said but now we broke up and im mad at and sad at the same time.. i dont no wat to do.




You can fall form the sky

you can fall from a tree

but the best way to fall is in love with me

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