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Confused about a girl


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So I really, really like this girl that I work with. We've gone out to lunch a dinner a few times but nothing serious. We hug each other at the end of each night and that's it. But Sometimes when I text her she doesn't respond at all or takes half a day to get back to me... And then sometimes when I text and don't hear back she'll finally get back to me and have some excuse about falling asleep or losing her phone or something. It's weird because we seem to get along great and I think we have a connection but then when I'm away from her she's very hard to get a hold of. I just don't understand why she's like that? I mean if she didn't like me I would think she would turn me down on going out but she always says yes to going out with me.... I don't get it.

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I guess she likes you, but not enough to be your girlfriend. You're in the friend zone! She probably thinks of you as a friend. You should find out if she has a boyfriend or if she just got over a relationship. That will give you some more clues why you've only gotten a hug after a date.

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