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A good hydrating foundation


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  • 1 month later...

I use Water Blend Foundation by Make Up For Ever. That's one I absolutely love, even though it's not cheap. This is the onlyone that does not make me feel that dryness on skin. Yet, it does not give that thick coverage, so somethimes I have to use concealer with it.

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I've given up on foundation for the most part because it seems to dry my skin out no matter what. I keep my skin tone even by 'greasing my face' LOL!! It's true. When there's no dryness, there's no redness. I use coconut oil.


I got the idea from my grandmother, who shamelessly bragged about the beauty of her skin. She used straight Vaseline on it. She thought Vaseline was a miracle cure for everything and used to insist that my sister and I put it on cuts, burns, scrapes, etc hahaha. Typical Greek yia-yia. I can still hear her with her accent, "Put some Vaseline...."


Well, one day, when I was in my early 30s, I decided to try it. I slathered Vaseline all over my face and went to sleep like that. I was afraid I'd wake up in the morning with zits all over my face, but I didn't. Instead, my skin felt really good. I also experimented with like baby oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. Coconut oil works best for me. Baby oil is second best, then Vaseline, then olive oil. I know that some people prefer olive oil, but for me it doesn't work so well.


I slather oil on my face every day in the morning and when I get home from work in the evening. In the morning, I apply it liberally. It pretty much gets absorbed by the time I get to work. I massage it in while I'm driving, too. People probably see this and think wth? It makes my face feel good, so I don't care. In the evening, I put it on any time I feel tightness or pulling in my skin. I actually keep a small container of it handy in my apartment so that I don't have to keep accessing the jar. If you reach into the jar with your hands, it can make ithe coconut oil go rancid.


When I do use foundation, I use Covergirl CG Smoothers, which is very thin. I make sure my face is very moisturized before I apply it. It helps to exfoliate gently with a washcloth, then apply the coconut oil and let it sink in. Then, hours later, I use an over-the-counter moisturizer like Cetaphil or Johnson and Johnson Purpose. They go on very smoothly. I apply this moisturizer right before I apply the foundation to thin the foundation out even more. Then the make up doesn't feel so heavy and drying. I won't put on foundation unless I have a couple hours of intense moisturizing into my skin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Neutrogena has got an amazing water based moisturizer that is the best I've ever used--I mix that with their tinted retinol moisturizer when I'm looking particularly ghastly.


I don't use foundation anymore... I use CC or BB creams, tinted moisturizers and loose translucent powder to achieve the finish. I'm attempting the French make up look--mainly lipstick, powder eyeliner, mascara, a little blush and translucent powder and lots of time spent using serums, Vitamin C and retinol creams to slow the downward slide.

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