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A lot of times, I hate being me?


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Ever since I was little, I was always in my older siblings shadow. I've healed a lot, but I still find myself inadequate compared to their successes despite having my own. I was always compared, sibling has a better social life, higher education, more ambition etc etc. That did permanent damage to my self esteem. Honestly I wouldn't have minded the criticism or the push for me to do better, the comparing really got to me. Of course my sibling and I are different, but my passions/hobbies/likes were pretty much dismissed if not looked down upon. How do I stop feeling inadequate? I want to stop caring.

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I don't really know how to deal with it, but I guess just by doing anything you're passionate about, even if it's only you know your own improvement. because at the end of the day, I believe you don't need to hear any comments, not even from your parents nor your relatives, even your sibling

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I could never do anything right as a kid or teen or young adult, in my parents' eyes. My brother really had no use for me. So I learned to ignore them and do what I felt was right for me, and I have lived my life that way. Criticism from family has a way of bringing a person down, making them feel like crap. I worked hard to tune them out and do what I felt worked for me.

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