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Hey there...I've had a reoccurring fear for the past few years.


I'm afriad I can't have kids. I mean I'm not looking to have any anytime soon. I had a ruptured appendix about four and a half years ago, and I've read that the scar tissue builds up and sometimes makes it hard for sperm to travel to the egg. I also had a leep procedure done about 3 years ago on abnormal cells on my cervix. I am almost positive that since I've had two surgeries in my abdominal region that the scar tissue must be impenetrable. My ex and I had unprotected sex for pretty much the entire time we were together (almost 3 years). We didn't want to get pregnant, but it seems like I should have considering we didn't use any birth control. I don't know, I probably shouldn't worry about it too much. Anyone know anything about this? I'm also wondering why the doctor never mentioned the possiblility of infertility. I have read so many articles claiming that these operations contribute to infertility, yet the doctors said nothing. Perhaps I was naive and should have asked myself. Ugh...

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You should seek professional advice, i.e, a doctor or gynecologist. They would be the best persons to advise you on the situation. Maybe there are some test you could do to test for infertility. Those noramlly deal with the hormones level and that usually affect women over than 30 or with irregular periods. As for the scar tissue problem, like I said, your best bet is to consult a doctor.

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I do know how you feel in some degree, I had a LEEP procedure, two laser surgeries and many other treatments for a bad bout with cervical dysplasia too when I was 16-20, so I worry about it "sometimes" too, though subsequent exams showed while there is some scar tissue around my cervix, that it does not seem bad enough to cause too many problems. When I do decide to have children and get pregnant, they may have to put a stitch in my cervix though to prevent miscarriages due to a weakened cervix.


I however have been on pill for years as I think there is good chance I could get pregnant anyway as there does not seem to be any other damage other than the small amount of scar tissue.


I think your best bet is to talk to your gynecologist about this. Keep in mind that if you do have fertility problems, they may not even have been caused by these operations, there are women who just have natural problems (which fertility drugs can help or other treatments) and former partner may have had problems himself which is why you did not get pregnant. So don't get too discouraged about it

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