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okay people im realy confused PLEASE HELP

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Okay, well as we begin as usual, theres this girl. I have been friends with this girl since 7th grade and now I'm 4 weeks away from being a freashman. This girl and I are really close. I mean we walk home every day to my house and I swear I can talk to this girl for EVER. We have those never ending convo. till times out then she goes home we started off her just coming to my house when my parents were not home and sittin in my kitchen and talk about ex's crushes etc. etc. This girls beatiful I mean PERFECT. Atleast in my eyes, and I have had the biggest crush on her since now 2 years later it still hasn't died. She still looks just as beatiful as she started. It's not like how when you see a girl in the beginning and think shes oh hott then by the end of the year you really cant rate her b/c you see her every day so it gets dull. She gorgious how ever you spell it but it so describes her. Well I have told her I liked her 4 times over the past 2 years, every time i get a dont want to ruin the friendship.... I HATE THAT RESPONCE haha but since hte beginning of the year she comes over and wants to cuddle and flirts and like is a lil rough and fun and stuff and now its moved to my bed and its not what you think don't worry but I mean we can rustle for who gets to sit on what side of the bed and she has admited she liked me to before but we have like decided not to go out b4 and after and now I'm goin to a totaly different high school then her next year... and we are talkin today and I told her I stil have liked her ever since we meet adn she said she liked me also but said it would probaly be akward to go out but every time I tell her I always feel like I need to tell her I want her, no matter I know what is goin to happen and I believe it may be akward to go out. but what am I AIMING for when I always want to tell her I like her, and I always want to have her even when I have a g/f myself... and when we talk.. we look into eachothers eyes then laugh at the moment I mean I feel the bond Its somthing you don't expirence more than a couple times in your life with one person I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with this girl.. I honestly one hundred percent do and its weird like that... would goin out with heer be akward? and why do I always want to tell her I like her? and always want to get closer and always want to spend time with her and we are so close... is this love? PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS THANK YOU FOR READIN ALL THAT I DIDNT EVEN THINKK I COULD TYPE ALL THAT.. haha..

thanx for the help,


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Texan hick =o)


You've both mentioned that you don't want to ruin the friendship.... however after most confessions and rejections friendships become strained anyway. Yours seems to have survived it. I think you two could risk it. I mean what love without a little risk? you risk big to win big.


But she doesn't seem to want to come to the table in this. She politely turned you away several times. Maybe she's just not ready and there's nothing you can do. I say mantain the friendship, for now, it could very well blossom into something more. But you're only 14 so give it time. by the soundsof it you've got the mostprecious part in a relatioship already, friendship and understanding. everything else is 2ndry and comes in time.


Good luck and be a good friend to her.

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Well uhh, this is what happens when your friends with her too long and you don't ask her out give her hints early on or anything. You get to be really good friends BUT she has a crush on you, she thinks it's awkward because your her best friend. So it doesn't work. The only thing you can actually do is ask her out. I mean seriously, what if a girl that was your friend said to you "I like you" you would stare at her like "Yeah, and your point is??? What do you want me to do about it?" That's why you ask her out on a date, this isn't 6th grade anymore. And if she doesn't want to go out on a date, she's interested but your too much of a friend to her so yeah, your stuck in the friends section.


**And that thing about how you look into her eyes and you want to spend rest of your life with her and all this crap; that's your hormones lol.

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