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why does he have to cum so soon?

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Okey heres the deal... me and my boyfriend have sexual intercourse all the time... and it seems to me like he cums faster and faster each time we have intercourse.... i know this may sound funny but today when we had intercourse it didn't even last 5 mins. he put it in me like maybe 10 times... it really sucks cuz i didn't even have an orgasm... He said he was really sorry cuz he knew it was kinda pointless for me... but he said he tried to stop it but he couldn't... this isn't the first time this has happened either so it seems like the more he does it then the more frustrated i get with him... i need some help... we switch positions and i have him think about sumthin totally off subject... but he just can't hold it... can someone give me some advice... and please tell me that sooner or later it will be okey cuz i really don't want to have to deal with this all the time... its really frustrating....

Love Always,


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well if he's close to your age he's young and probably over excited. most boys are.


Try not jumping straight to sex, enjoy a little (or alot) of foreplay before hand. That will bring you closer to the point of orgasm. Make sure you're almost there before you let him penetrate. this will teat him to wait and let you get more out of it.


It'll come in time (no pun) but have a little patience with the guy, the more pressure you but on him with your disappointment the more anxiety he'll suffer and be less likely to perform or control himself. he should grow into it with a little support from you. have some patience, at your age neither of you a proberly that talented.


He'll probably learn as you develop together, or he could simply continue to make love like a japanese meal "small portions but soo many servings". be gratefull, few men can last more then three times with out a sufficient break.


but over all don't expect too much until you're both older and wiser

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If he really is sorry...then he will be willing to do more than just "stick it in you" to give you pleasure....


If he can't last once you have actual intercourse....then you need to do other things first...like have him go down on you....use his hand to stimulate you. Or you will have to help him...use your own hand to pleasure yourself...show him how you like it.


You should get to orgasm too....he needs to work on you getting off first...then he can. That would be fair and the right thing to do. Couples rarely orgasm at the same time. Good luck!!

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LOL...I LOVE that movie. Seriously, though, sounds like the guy needs a tad bit of education in the ways of pleasing women. I find that even the most selfish guys tend to wake up and see the possibilities if you engage in a down-and-dirty session of that kindergarten favorite, show and tell.

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Well what I thought should have worked like a charm .. didnt for me haha. I got my gal to suck me off first, I came and then I went down on her and then we were gonna have sex, but since I just came previously, I couldnt get it back up and neither could she! lol the good thing though was that it wasn't embarrasing cause she is rteally understanding but we ended up layin there trying to get me back up and we couldnt lol, and then my parents came home and we missed out on sex for that night lol. That was this weekend. NExt weekend I guess I'll try somethign different. I suggest you just talk to him about foreplay and that its important that you use it and if he cares about you coming to orgasm then he will go for it.

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Thanks Jabe... by the way we did the same thing once... it was kinda humorous... but we talk about it a lot now and we keep trying to find new ways to make it better... so hopefully we will come up with something until then... im just happy that we are together and either way we will make it work... thanks for the advice...

Love Always,


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It sounds to me like your approach to the whole thing of him coming too soon is probably not helping the situation.


As a guy who used to suffer from premature ejaculation (when you cannot control when you cum)it does not help trying to think of something non sexual....in fact quite the opposite.


You should just take it slow.....when he feels like he is getting close to coming he should slow down or even pull out until his arousal drops. This doesn't mean the fun has to stop though....you can carry on kissing each other or he could go down on you.......then he can put it back in you and continue. It sounds to me like he is worrying about coming too early which will make him cum quicker.


Eventually throughout your sex session he will be able to stay inside you without coming for longer....its just practice....sounds like he's getting himself a bit tense over it all. Just be understanding and don't be pressuring him into lasting longer......it will sort itself out eventually. I know it worked for me.......there are many websites that explain premature ejaculation and are very helpful.

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