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26 and Feel Stuck At My Job

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I graduated in June with my BS in CIS. No debt and 8k in savings. I got a data entry temp position paying $13 an hour. I have 2 months until I find out if I'm going to be permanent but my manager says I'm likely to stay because I'm a hard worker. The reason I feel stuck is because I'm barely making it on that wage. I'm only saving 500$ a month. I've tried applying for IT jobs but I can't get an interview without 3+ years experience. I don't know if I should quit and move back home. It sucks because it's like starting all over again. I'm really scared that I'll be stuck making very little for the rest of my life. At this rate I feel like I'll never be able to afford a house or have kids (well I'm close to hitting 30 so, it's kinda over for me.) Has anyone had a similar experience after graduating college? I feel so defeated at this point.

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From what I'm seeing on the Internet, you're overqualified for a data entry position and that is not the kind of 3 years experience companies will be looking for. You probably should look into Assistant IT Support Specialist or Technology Specialist jobs where you can start out at $30 an hour. Get on a jobs board like Indeed.com and maybe expand your search to other big cities. If you need more experience, maybe you can work with your college to get an internship or through an alumni. Keep applying and don't give up. The median pay is over $100,00 for experienced people.

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No matter what a company says about your temp position, still continue to job hunt. I've had a couple companies tell me that, but was lied to and ended my temp contract. They do that because they didn't want me to quit early.


I've tried applying for IT jobs but I can't get an interview without 3+ years experience.

The reason IT jobs are difficult to get into is because they are now a saturated field. I got many friends with that field training and only 2 out of 5 of them have a stable job in IT. It's not easy (which is why I changed my degree to mental health). There are so many people with IT certs and degrees who can't find employement or stability in the field. That's why companies have raised the "3+ years of experience" to cut down on applicants.


Do not let this discourage you. Apply everywhere. You may have to travel a bit.


At this rate I feel like I'll never be able to afford a house or have kids (well I'm close to hitting 30 so, it's kinda over for me.)

Oh stop. Most people in your age group don't have a home. I'm in my mid thirties and am buying a home next year. Even though I recently had a miscarriage, kids will come soon.


You got 10 more years to worry about this. Do not beat yourself up.


If you need more experience, maybe you can work with your college to get an internship or through an alumni.

The OP has to be a student to qualify for an internship. I've tried that route and got turned down many times with a message of companies selecting college students only.


But hey... it's not too late to go back to school in a highly needed field. It's what I did and I'm now doing extremely well.

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You should have an excellent resume on file at all times. Now sending it out to any position that fits. Search glassdoor, indeed, and any other career/job sites. Make sure you have an excellent LinkedIn profile with fellow alumni, professors, coworkers, etc. as connections.Upload your contact file and see who's on it.

The reason I feel stuck is because I'm barely making it on that wage. I'm only saving 500$ a month. I've tried applying for IT jobs but I can't get an interview without 3+ years experience.
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Thank you for the feedback. I guess I wasn't clear with my question. I feel stuck because it obviously doesn't pay well and I'm super scared to quit. I think a make I huge mistake taking the first job I was offered. People kept pressuring me to get a job ASAP even though I had an emergency fund.

Is 8k a good cushion while I apply for jobs? I can live at home for way cheaper. @Snny yes I think you make a good point about the IT industry being oversaturated. Luckily my degree is also considered a business degree as well. I've had better luck getting responses from finance related jobs

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Is there an opportunity for you to advance in your company?


In my early 20's, I started as a temp in an advertising industry. I managed to get hired and moved onto Accounting and then eventually to Purchasing. See if you can learn new things, even if it's on your off time so you can gain more knowledge from within.

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