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Co-worker Issues

Kay Tab

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It was a work matter and I just wanted to clarify things with him because I think he may have interpreted something I said as criticism, but it wasn’t.


Anyway, I see him at work occasionally and I just tend to walk by without a word to him. I feel like I’m back in elementary school acting like this. I’m not sure if it’s possible to ever be amicable with him, but would it be better to just avoid crossing paths then if possible?

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Be professional. Smile, say hi, etc. but stop forcing him to understand you and rehashing it. Let it smooth over by being cordial and professional

It was a work matter and I just wanted to clarify things with him because I think he may have interpreted something I said as criticism, but it wasn’t. Anyway, I see him at work occasionally and I just tend to walk by without a word to him. I feel like I’m back in elementary school acting like this. I’m not sure if it’s possible to ever be amicable with him, but would it be better to just avoid crossing paths then if possible?
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