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My brother hates me


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Im a teenage girl in highschool. This is going to be really hard to explain but I'll try. I have a twin brother and I love him so much. I know he loves me too but he's just so awful mean to me. I want him to like me and think I'm cool but more often than not I'm just annoying. He never wants to talk to me and he calls me such names and tells me to shut up all the time. In the end of summer I talked to this kid for maybe two weeks and he told me to stop. I didn't do it immediately! He tells me not to talk to people all the time! Eventually I did getting annoying with him but he is annoying to my brother in class that he's in and the teacher lets it happen. Tonight he was talking about it and I just mentioned that I felt the same way and he told me "you didn't have a problem picking him over me" I never would pick anybody over my brother. Ever. I love him so much but he never wants to talk , and he never wants me to hang out. He says stuff like that often and it hurts me so much it gets to feel like physical pain. I worry about him and I wish he knew. Even despite all that he still preaches family and even tells people off for me but still he's down right mean. I try hard to please him but he still tells me I'm annoying and to just shut up. Our parents try but they can't do much if he's just mean. I thought everything was getting better but it's not. I just wish he would like me. It hurts so badly that he thinks I'm a waste of his time. When he said I picked somebody over him I just broke down and cried. I literally hurt.

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Yeah, this sound like typical brother/sister stuff. Boys at this age don't like to talk the same way girls do. They don't want to talk about their feelings and little sisters are a pain in their butt to them. They also have great feelings for their sisters, but they don't know how to handle this kind of love, so they tend to push sisters away and it comes out as mean. I think it's a way that you both will develop your own friends and not have them overlap. Don't worry, I think what he's doing is normal. In a few years, he will be much closer to you than now. Hang in there.

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