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i think my ex is planning a come back tour in the next couple days/week

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reasons. She has expressed interest in sleeping with me, says she still loves me and misses me alot. she put me in no contact on monday morning, tuesday was a hard day. by wednesday afternoon she text me asking me if i would take the dog she adotped because she could no longer care for it(lie) she went thru in the last 5 days and liked every picture on my instagram from the last month and when i asked her she said because she got locked out of her other accounts and was bored, not even 10mins before she posted something on one of her non private account(lie). we had a converstation either saturday night or sunday night about cuddling and she was house sitting and said something like if this was my house id let you come over and we could cuddle. Her new gf(exgf is bi) has no idea that me and my ex have been talking for the last month, her gf also knows that my ex still has strong feelings for me. Her gf lives in another state, my ex is with her gf currently for thanksgiving and is with our dog which on her way back here will be dropping the dog off into my care. My ex has talked about moving to another state to be with her gf, i got curious and asked a close friend if my ex mentioned anything to her about moving my ex has not. My ex has expressed interest in getting back together like this "im not moving for a couple months and anything can happen between me and my gf where i dont go or anything can happen between me and you". My ex got pissed off with me because i wanted to work thanksgiving(america) and my ex said something like "i wanted you to spend more time with your family this break-up". She watches my snapchats and my instagram but when she is with her gf she does everything in secret. i let her stay on my snapchat only for communication if need be(she changed her number didnt say anything to me for about 3 weeks then called me from her new number day) Im an ALPHA I have done nothing to provoke anything above mention. What my ex doesnt understand is i have taken the step back approach and let everything play out from a distance, I think she is going to use giving me the dog as an excuse to come see me or check up on me or come over for sex.

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Well, you should take the dog, meet her outside, and don't let her in. And then block her from everything! Don't play her game. You're her fallback plan in case the current girlfriend breaks up with her. You're also a pawn in her game with her current girlfriend as well. She can tell the gf about you and threaten to go back with you if things get bumpy. You don't need this drama. Spend you time trying to find a nice girlfriend and don't waste it over her.

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I did end up asking her to move in but she said no and that's when she told me she is moving to Pennsylvania in the next couple of months. But then when we talk about her moving to Pennsylvania she gets touchy and shows she has doubts about moving there. She say stuff March is a long way off and say alot can happen between me and my gf between now and then. Or say something alot can happen between me and her(ex) between now and then. And she'll say stuff like she's worried her gfs family won't like her, won't find a job, or if her and her gf break up after she moves there she has nowhere to go. And has to either find a place there to live or the more likely she moves home to her moms

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