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Number of Relationships vs Time of the School Year


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Is their any connection to this?


I don't really mean winter, spring, summer or fall, even though it is possible. I'm primarily talking about after things like the Junior Prom, before/after winter break, other vacations, etc.


I kinda like this girl now ( www.enotalone.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=50071 ) and I was wondering if relationships become more popular after something like the Junior Prom. I didn't go and neither did this girl, but if a lot of people start jumping into relationships, I may want to give it a go as well (you have to read the other post to know where I'm coming from).


So, is there any connection between # or relationships and time of te year? Thanks.

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For me, Ive found that my busiest months are usually the hottest ones. I think it has to something do with the amount of clothing (or lack thereof) you're wearing. Winter months are a drag to me, but could just be Im lazier when its cold and just like to hibernate. Plus research has shown that people in general are more depressed in the winter when compared to the summer. Maybe the increased self-esteem in the summer months makes everyone more flirtatious.

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Here's my take on it, even though I should have done this in the beginning lol:


I think the spring may bring in the most relationships. In school, there seems to be a few more relationships in the halls than before (maybe it's cuz Jr. Prom was this past week). But like Bomberman said, people are usually "happier" in the spring than in the winter. I'm not really sure on this though. I'm not sure what the rest of you guys think...


I guesss I should ask that girl out pretty soon if this is the case lol...

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When other people are having relationships doesn't matter in the slightest. The only people you should be thinking of is you and her. If you like her, you should ask her out. If she is interested in you, she'll say yes. If she doesn't, you tried. But there's shouldn't be any thought if more people give relationships a try at certain times. Are you thinking that she may be in a more romantic mood and thus more likely to say yes? While I can see why you would be curious about that, it shouldn't be a thought. You want her to say yes because she likes you, without anythought of how she wants to be in a relationship.

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