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Just broke up; It was the right thing to do, but I'm so sad


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I dated this guy for 3 months. And I decided to broke up with him last Sunday. He was super cute at the beginning. But then, time has passed and he never made me feel like I was special. He wasn't giving me enough attention. I don't think he feels the same way I feel about him.


I know I did the right thing, but I'm super sad. What he used to give me wasn't enough, but I'm missing it right now. This morning he texted me (not trying to get back with me, just wanting to chat), and I answered in a polite but "I don't want to talk" way. Now I'm regretting it (even though it's seems like the right thing to do).


I know you guys have bigger problems. Marriages and long term relationships. Probably in a month, I'll be better. But he was the first guy I liked since my ex (2yrs ago), and today I'm feeling so sad, confused, depressed. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to get better.


So, if you guys can help me, give me some tips, share similar experiences, I'll be very grateful.

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I think you're being smart. A lot of people ignore the red flags and end up staying for a longer period of time then it becomes even harder to breakup because you've invested a lot of time into the relationship. Good for you for recognizing the signs early on and getting out.

From my experience there is no magic answers to getting over someone. Just have to go through it. Keep busy and find activities or something to fill your day up.

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But then, time has passed and he never made me feel like I was special. He wasn't giving me enough attention. I don't think he feels the same way I feel about him.

He texts me almost everyday, he shows interest, he calls me on dates every weekend. He doesn't seem to be dating other girls, he don't go to nightclubs, he aways tells me where he is (I don't ask!).

Not saying this guy wasn't right for you regardless, but how much attention do you expect to get from a guy?

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Honestly, I don't think you even gave this relationship a chance to grow.


Three months is nothing. How much did you expect? To see him every day? If you don't already, you need interests outside of whom you date, so that your time can be filled up as well.


You know what you feel, but Why can't you text him? Maybe he could be a friend.

Doesn't seem he did a thing wrong. Sorry.

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j.man, things changed a little since that post. I realized I used to text him a lot, so I decided to stop and see what would happen. He started texting me every other day.. I don't think it's enough. And last Friday he cancelled our date and didn't suggest doing anything else. Saturday he went out with his friends... I felt like he didn't want to see me at all...

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SweetGirl28, at least once a week, since we leave less than 10 minutes apart by car... And at least good morning/good night messages, and to be sure that he would leave at least any message before the end of the day. I'm on college, I have a lot of things to fill up my time... But I can find time to text him a few time a day. And I definitely can find time to see him every weekend . Why can't he?

And I didn't want to text him today because I think it would be harder to getting over him doing it...

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SweetGirl28, at least once a week, since we leave less than 10 minutes apart by car... And at least good morning/good night messages, and to be sure that he would leave at least any message before the end of the day. I'm on college, I have a lot of things to fill up my time... But I can find time to text him a few time a day. And I definitely can find time to see him every weekend . Why can't he?

And I didn't want to text him today because I think it would be harder to getting over him doing it...


Some guys just aren't big texters.

It seems no one picks up the phone to talk anymore! Lol


I read what you wrote to j.man, so now I understand better what you mean about how you felt.

It does appear you were not his priority, I'm sorry.

Were you just casually dating, or committed?

I would have taken a step back a bit and texted less to see if he initiated more prior to breaking up,

since you really liked him. But that's irrelevant now. He may be missing you now because you ended it,

and realizes you are gone.

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I dated this guy for 3 months. And I decided to broke up with him last Sunday. He was super cute at the beginning. But then, time has passed and he never made me feel like I was special. He wasn't giving me enough attention. I don't think he feels the same way I feel about him.


I know I did the right thing, but I'm super sad. What he used to give me wasn't enough, but I'm missing it right now. This morning he texted me (not trying to get back with me, just wanting to chat), and I answered in a polite but "I don't want to talk" way. Now I'm regretting it (even though it's seems like the right thing to do).


I know you guys have bigger problems. Marriages and long term relationships. Probably in a month, I'll be better. But he was the first guy I liked since my ex (2yrs ago), and today I'm feeling so sad, confused, depressed. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to get better.


So, if you guys can help me, give me some tips, share similar experiences, I'll be very grateful.


I sympathize w/you. My 1st love wasn't thoughtful either and after dating I met guys I liked who really didn't care about me either. The guy can the hottest guy in the world, but you will feel empty if he doesn't care about you. Remember the sad times when he wasn't there for you, I did that w/my ex and the other guys.

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