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I'm scared there's something wrong with me

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So last week I was with this guy. We were hanging out and started talking about sex and he told me he's never really done anything other than kiss a girl. To make a long story short by the end of the night he fingered me, but the way he did it didn't seem right (he did it fast and hard right from the start and went as far in as he could). It hurt so bad so I told him I orgasmed so he would stop. He got up to use the bathroom and I put my hand down..there and I was bleeding. I didn't have my period and I was scared that something broke or got scratched inside. It didn't hurt for long after he stopped and it didn't bleed too much. Anyone have any idea what happened?

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Im really not an expert, but if you say he did it hard and maybe got deep so its possible he broke your hymen. Was there a lot of blood? Maybe he just cratched, but maybe broke your hymen. Its also possible he could break your hymen just a bit and you bled. Next time you have sex you might bleed again. Well it happened to me... it took a couple of times of trying for it to break completely.

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I would tend to think he probably scratched you or irritated the tissue lining your vagina. If is was incomfortable but you did not bleed much chances are that is what happened.


If you are tense as you might be your first time having a guy insert a finger into you, and if the guy were also a novice and was rough and didn't know what he was doing, that is most likely what happened, maybe next time (if you let him have a next time!) you can tell him to go more slowly and be more gentle, tell him what you would like and he should gladly oblige.

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dont worry about it hun its probably nothing...my bf was fingering me even after we had been having sex for a while and i blead a little bit once...he had just scratched me a little is all it was a little uncomfortable when he was doing it so i made him stop basically his finger nails were longer than normal and that was it....so dont worry about it its nothing

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