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I couldn't even write the whole title. This concerns the incident probably most of you heard on the news about a girl who was lead to believe she was in a relationship only to get pranked on. Horrible.


I was wondering, how is it possible to avoid that? Is it even? Has anyone read about how the fake relationship progressed?


Many relationships begin online nowadays, it would be good if we had a guideline of some sorts, although I'm afraid there isn't one 😔

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I nearly started a thread about this ...it upset me beyond belief ...I am uk and it was on a talk show yesterday .....so for those that don't know , it is called * pull a pig* and it is lads trying to pull the ugliest girl they can ...then * he * is the winner .


This girl ( I missed some of it so I might get the story a bit wrong ) went from the uk to Holland believing she was meeting this lad she had met once before on holiday ... she got there and he never turned up ..she sat and sat and sat ...finally she got a message off him to say he had won the pulled a pig competition ...or something like that ...


The show I watched had her and her mum on it , her poor mum was in pieces , but this has shown his sorry @rse up good an proper .


Cope although it is dreadful it will be another fad that will pass ...so try not to worry about it , just be vigilant with what is being written and how much they push to meet , if you have a gut feeling go with it ....if it feels wrong then it probably is ...but this horrible crap with eventually phase out .

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Thank you for providing the details, I just couldn't at that time


I agree with what you say about if we have a feeling we should just go with it, it's just that sometimes it's hard. Sometimes once you get an idea stuck in your head, everything can make sense you know? I guess giving it time is crucial and what you said about how much the other is pressuring. How long can one pressure so hard without getting bored since it's fake? Right? This is like taking catfishing to the next level.... It's horrible.


I try to always follow this one rule before I make any decision. I have to be ok with what I'm deciding to do even if the outcome is bad. So if I ever travel to another country for a guy, I must make sure that first I'll be ok with being stranded there. It may take the fun out of things in the beginning, but eventually you learn to not focus on the bad thing happening and instead choose to always look on the bright side of things. Met a guy from France and he stood you up at the airport? Cool! I can explore Paris solo now! Yeah I know how it sounds, you won't be jumping out of joy, but if you're in that mindset it is easier to enjoy your stay I guess.

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It's awful isn't it , I had tears running down my face when I watched it .


Maybe if it is making you feel so unneasy then just sit it out for a month and let it all cool off , I understand how you feel . I am not dating , but when I caught up with the catfish shows I was absolutely mortified at what I saw and the lengths some people go to . I think you are wise to think everything through ..even the bad outcomes , this just shows that it can become a reality .

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Thanks for the support! I don't feel that bad, but I am getting a bit suspicious and I don't like that. I've already been manipulated by a sociopath, so I always thought, I got it all covered ya know? I thought I knew the signs. Online is tougher. Gosh I hate that we must be so cautious about dating >

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Thanks for the support! I don't feel that bad, but I am getting a bit suspicious and I don't like that. I've already been manipulated by a sociopath, so I always thought, I got it all covered ya know? I thought I knew the signs. Online is tougher. Gosh I hate that we must be so cautious about dating >


I don't think there is anything wrong in you having all these thoughts , it is a dirty world we live in !! But you are switched on , that much is obvious and the fact that you are giving this some thought speaks volumes to me . If I was on the dating scene this would have ruffled me and I probably would be hesitant myself if I am honest. Like everything else ...it will pass .

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