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Feeling alone with low-key toxic friends


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Hey guys ☺ just need a little advice

So I'm in my last year of secondary school (high school) and I've been friends with these two girls for about four years. One friend (who I may have regarded before as my best friend) is loud, rude and has commitment issues with friendships (you're like an old toy to her every two years basically), but somehow I just always feel the need to make it work because we have a lot of fun together? We make eachother laugh when the friendship is good and have intense political conversations. But whenever I try talking about my feelings (I usually say that I feel like people in school talk to me like I'm a loser bc I'm shy) she says I'm over thinking and says that I'm sensitive instead and gets salty at me instead of giving me advice or being comforting which I always do for her. THE OTHER FRIEND well.

She's nice and all or seems nice but whenever me and friend 1 have arguments she always sides with her and helps in excluding me? And I always seem to forgive her? Like just this week I tried discussing my feelings and got shut down then had a long deep conversation with ^friend 2 and we seemed to figure it out but then she just ignored me today and hung out with friend 1 all day and left me alone w my other friend. She seems so fake and I just don't know. I know she prefers friend 1 to me and I don't think I'll talk to her when I leave school but I hate it all the same.

We fall out every two years. They ruined my Christmas in 2013, 2015 and now they're getting tired of me again. I know I shouldn't change for them and its distracting me from studying for the most important exams of my life. I dont want to stress more than I have to this year but I don't think I'll be able to control that. I don't know what to do. HALP. PLEASE.


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Hey guys ☺ just need a little advice

So I'm in my last year of secondary school (high school) and I've been friends with these two girls for about four years. One friend (who I may have regarded before as my best friend) is loud, rude and has commitment issues with friendships (you're like an old toy to her every two years basically), but somehow I just always feel the need to make it work because we have a lot of fun together? We make eachother laugh when the friendship is good and have intense political conversations. But whenever I try talking about my feelings (I usually say that I feel like people in school talk to me like I'm a loser bc I'm shy) she says I'm over thinking and says that I'm sensitive instead and gets salty at me instead of giving me advice or being comforting which I always do for her. THE OTHER FRIEND well.

She's nice and all or seems nice but whenever me and friend 1 have arguments she always sides with her and helps in excluding me? And I always seem to forgive her? Like just this week I tried discussing my feelings and got shut down then had a long deep conversation with ^friend 2 and we seemed to figure it out but then she just ignored me today and hung out with friend 1 all day and left me alone w my other friend. She seems so fake and I just don't know. I know she prefers friend 1 to me and I don't think I'll talk to her when I leave school but I hate it all the same.

We fall out every two years. They ruined my Christmas in 2013, 2015 and now they're getting tired of me again. I know I shouldn't change for them and its distracting me from studying for the most important exams of my life. I dont want to stress more than I have to this year but I don't think I'll be able to control that. I don't know what to do. HALP. PLEASE.



I wouldn't know how to respond to a friend that is all 'everyone dislikes me' too.

You are overthinking and being too sensitive. It's a downer?

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Idk man maybe it's just my teen brain but they're genuinely not very nice people sometimes? Like one of them wouldn't talk to me for weeks because I forgot to buy glue sticks for a project? That's how jumpy they are sometimes and I feel like I have to be constantly on my guard? I don't wanna be scared of that kind of yknow

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