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I'm living with and in luv wMy X husbands Brother!! help!

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I'll try to make this short but as detailed as possible..and hope that someone can shed some light.

i have been divorced for 2 years.. and was only married for 2 years... and since my split from my X.. i have started a relationship with my xhusbands older brother. my x and i have 2 kids (4 & 3) together. I now live with the brother and we have beautiful home, business, great friends.. however my x is obviously furious.. we are trying to get along the best we can.. the parents (their parents) do not talk to me. hate me.. for good reason i guess.. and now my X is begging me to come back to him.. to make things work.

.. and honestly i love him as the father of my children but i am in love with his brother and see myself with hiim the rest of my life. kids have adjusted.. all is well on their end.. they just go with the flow.. they are so young..

my dilema is: i still have feelings of quilt.. when i am in my X's house with our kids. i feel like my kids are missing out on so much not having us in one house.. juggling back and forth..

and even though i live with the brother..( i have my own room for when the kids are home..) (my x and i have joint custody) .. so they don't see my kissing on their uncle!!!

any adivce! lot's of people have bashed me and turn their nose up at me for dating my husbands and now living wth my husbands brother.. and some envy my strength.. but even after 2 years.. i'm confused. am i doing the right thing.. can i go back to my husband? do i even want to.??

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Do not go back to your ex because of your children. It will not benefit them at all. Just now they live somewhere where they are happy and they see their mum is happy. They should grow up in a situation where they see examples of people loving each other because that will be how they themselves will learn about relationships. You should not hide your new realtionship from them, they will find out at some point and is best to be as honest with them as possible. Alos, one day they will grow up and leave home and you should ensure that your life will have purpose and meaning as they grow up and become more independent, you dont want them to leave home and be left there alone with a man you do not love anymore, it will be much harder for them as they are older and are likely to feel everything that went before and everything they thought about you both has become tainted. Studies have shown that it is better for a child to come from a home where parents separate than one where the parents stay together but are unhappy in their relationship. Put your children first by bringing them up i a home where they see what real love is.

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