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"We teach others how we should be treated"

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"We teach others how we should be treated" this quote often appears in my mind. It's one of those quotes that i use for perception check.


Basically, I'm looking for examples of how a person treat others in life, and how they're being treated back. If we can all get the essense of this quote, we can change how we present ourselves.

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I think one of the ways we do this is not just how we act toward others, but how we let them act towards us. If you do not demand and command respect, you won't get it. If you let people walk all over you, then they will. You need to show them your limits.


On the other hand, time in a quasi-military institution taught me that with regard to respect, you need to show it to get it. If I respect you solely because of your appearance, position and/or title, then I am not really respecting you. That's fear for your power, not true respect. If I respect you even if stripped of that title, then I respect you. In each case, these people get treated because of how they treat others. A person who shows you respect when in power, usually gets willing cooperation and real respect. One who does not show you respect and just exercises power, gets reviled.

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Yeah - I agree with what you all have said. I've seen several of my friends being strung along by guys who were seeing other women (and my friends knew this!) But, after a while, I couldn't even feel anger that the guys were stringing my friends along, because after all, they were the ones that allowed the behavior to go on.

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I have to agree with that quote. Treat others the way that you want to be treated, but keep in mind, people aren't always going to treat you the way that you treat them. In other words, when you're nice to others, don't expect them to be nice to you back.


I've been nice to people several times, and at times, people try to take advantage of me. They think that "Oh, she's friendly. She looks nice. She comes off as a bit naiive, so maybe I can take advantage of her!" I'm disgusted with those who are pretentious, and you'll encounter several pretentious individuals from where I live. So, just be aware of that. Be kind, but it's also good to be aware of how others treat you back as well. There are some pretty condescending, two-faced individuals who could care less and take advantage of you, without feeling any remorse. That's just reality.


However, being nice has its "benefits". You get to test the other person a bit. You see, if they're nice back, and prove to you that they have good intentions, they will show it through their actions, with sincerity! If they're possibly, pretentious backstabbers, you'll just have to trust your hunch and go with the flow, get to know them slowly, and they'll eventually reveal their true selves.


Being nice allows you to see other people's true colors! (If they're jerks to you, let them know that you don't tolerate it, and keep it at that).


Last but not least, don't EVER let anyone change you, just because they're condescending in their own ways. Continue to be yourself, and you'll eventually meet the right people by just being you, and treating others with love & respect!

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I often use those quotes... when I'm feelling overlly.... hiper... if thats the words.... I try to remember that, calm down, and do other what I would want to have dine to me.... or do other what you would not want done to you... now those are some hard things to follow.... but its worth it....

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