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Sorry it's long and idk where to start. I've been struggling on what to do. I hate being alone. Can't be. I need a guy sucks. I deal with depression to. I can't work and I'm alone so much so I crave to be with a guy. I've been dating a guy for 3 months. He owns his own seasonal camping business. He can't leave he works 7 days from 8am to 10pm daily at least. It sucks so I've spent the summer seeing him. We live 40 minutes apart. We had an issue and he said I was around to much yet how how do we see each other. so we had parted for a few weeks. Mind you he just out of the blue quit talking to me so I thought it was over. But he messaged and worked it out kinda. Then I. met this guy #2. After we parted I'll get back to that. So we worked things out as I really like him. I guess where we are at he said he likes me hanging out and sex etc. But he's going day by day as he doesn't know where life will take him as business isn't booming like other years. That's fine. We hang out. I help him I enjoy it. We laugh have fun most days. Yet other days he's moody as he's burnt out. Few things I hate. He asks what's for supper, texts me on his own schedule it seems and never asks how I am etc. I know he's tired exhausted. So I've been trying to give him leeway as I wanna see how we connect when he's not crazy has time off. How we met just before the season started. It was great. yet I don't feel like I truly fit in. He's been to my place 3 times and idk how he will click here . He has no kids and my son 12 plays hockey he said he won't go to his games. As he said as he hates hockey etc. My issue is I fell for him and yet I know I want someone to love me and what I do and being with me and my kids. I feel there to many issues yet we have so many interests things we like and have had a great times hanging out. I was trying to hang on and see how life goes. But yet I think he won't ever stop working and me helping him. I want more. Yet scared to talk as he's going day by day. Right now he's so exhausted no day off since April. Do I wait hang in. I know I deserve better etc. Yet I like him.i think part it may yet other parts he won't. So brings me back to#2 guy. When we parted I met this guy. He's great he's fallen for me. He's a lot like me yet I'm scared as he's fallen for me and we don't know tons yet. He messaged all the time. Which I like. He Tells me things what I want in a partner. Yet idk. He's had kids so he knows. Yet I don't know him. I like him and can't stop thinking of him. It's sucks. Why did it get so complicated. I' quit talking to him for abit as I wanted to focus on guy 1. But we back talking. He wants me and I like him. Yet I wanna hold off to see what guy 1 is like. Yet I think I'm wasting my time to. Idk. Im so confused as I know guy 2 will be at my door if I say I'm single. He offers so much I crave etc. I think I may lose him if I don't try either. Mind you I'm not sure what to do. What risk. Stay or go and date this other guy. Then have regrets end up alone. Yet I deserve to be treated better then I am. I just wanna be loved and happy. I'm so tired of dating games. Please someone suggestions. I suck at relationships and I'm scared what I should do

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Well, the quick answer would be to put the relationship with Guy #1 on hold until November when camping season is over (I'm assuming). You don't have to break up, just put things on hold until you can spend more time together, and date Guy #2 for a couple of months and see where it goes. Maybe it doesn't go anywhere, maybe it goes somewhere. And then make a decision who to go with.


You're a single woman. There's no reason why you can't play the field and date both guys.


Now I don't know how the kids figure into this. Do they know you're dating different guys? Are they old enough to understand? You have to figure how to handle them, but why not date both. It's not like you're moving in with someone at this moment.

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Well, the quick answer would be to put the relationship with Guy #1 on hold until November when camping season is over (I'm assuming). You don't have to break up, just put things on hold until you can spend more time together, and date Guy #2 for a couple of months and see where it goes. Maybe it doesn't go anywhere, maybe it goes somewhere. And then make a decision who to go with.


You're a single woman. There's no reason why you can't play the field and date both guys.


Now I don't know how the kids figure into this. Do they know you're dating different guys? Are they old enough to understand? You have to figure how to handle them, but why not date both. It's not like you're moving in with someone at this moment.


It's hard to put on hold as he's just able to start getting a day off. I wish it wasn't so complicated c. Guy 2 knows and wants me to date just him my son I wouldn't let him know I'm dating guy two if I was So hard on kids Thank you for answering

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