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Sex with a side of oral, kids these days, part 2

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Due to a semi popular topic i have decided to do a part two. woot



Yes, I do realize that it is the 21st centery and more people are now beginning to be more open about thier sexual expierances.But with this statement HAS become my problem as well as the problem of humanity. Many kids and young adults that are indeed having sex are doing so without the proper knowledge about thier actions. This brings about the truth that STD's are becoming a major factor in Western civilization societies. Mant std's that have kept a low brow along the std radar are now beginning to arise in many young adults. these young adults (15-22) are doing these sexual actions withput thinking about the consquences. Because thats what the human instresed is right? To maximize pleasure and minimize pain, and in doing so the wrong decision may be made. And yes, underage kids were having sex since the dawn of time, it is only until recentally that it has become a mass practice. Perhaps the world needs to slow down to allow its inhabitants to catch up.


Part 3 will be alot more informational if this topic is popular enough to da a part 3, part 2 was created to answer any questions that may have been raiesed due to responses. Thank you for all thoes good thoughts and any new one that you may have.

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I refuse to think of people having sex as an epidemic. Sexually Transmitted Infections have become more wide spread, but if you also taken into account the population numbers we are dealing with then then numbers are put more into proportion. People are going to make a choice to protect themselves or not, its a personal decision that they have to live with. The only way you are going to inform people about STIs is through education. Most people out there seem to be concerned with the Big 3 HPV, HIV/AIDS and Herpes, other STIs can be treated. I believe this issue starts at home with the teachings by Parents about sexuality and the Parent discussing this issue openly with their children.

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