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handling a breakup; need to know im not alone


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Hi everyone. I sort kinda just went through a break up. I've been okay, but it's been a month of going back and forth in my head of feeling and feeling pathetic.


I never handled break ups well, and always thought I was the only one that turned into a giant mess. Like everyone I know is like perfectly fine after.


So, please tell me how you handle break ups. I would love to hear from people like me, who usually turn into a puddly mess, but also those who are strong and get over it quicker. It would be nice to know I'm not alone, but also nice to get some advice

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I am right there with you, my feelings go from extreme hurt and betrayal to overly extreme anxiety. Just know that I and many others are going through this right along beside you. There are some great videos available on YouTube as well on how to deal with a breakup. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Awww! Honey, don't you worry. You'll be fine by the end of August. Each and every day you're recovering. Yes! The healing process is hard and slow. But, it'll change you into a brand new person.

It was hard for me as well, each day was a battle, it was suffocating, physically and emotionally exhausting. Alone times and nights were haunting and vulnerable, sleepless nights were terrible, I used to miss him badly, he used to come in my dreams daily. I forgot to eat well and it had eventually devastated me emotionally and physically that my health took a toll on me. My performance in exams went down so bad that I couldn't even do a simple additions and subtractions and I needed to join my banking exam course again. I had to join a fresh batch and it was so very tough for me to go through everything again. I wasn't able to process things effectively and efficiently.

I did nothing, trust me, nothing at all. I cried each night and during the alone times. I talked to my mother and friends and one of my teachers about it. They all helped me out. You must certainly talk to your friends and family about it, they'll guide you and will help you to come out of this mess, but don't keep it to yourself, it will affect you mentally later.

Carry on your day to day activity. If you want to take a rest, then take it.

I guarantee you, you're going to be fine at soonest. You can PM me if you want more help.



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