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am I a <removed>


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If you've ever read my previous posts you would know my ex and I have had a long and rocky relationship.


We broke up in recent months for reasons beyond our control, we kept talking and acting like we were in a relationship for months.. until I found out he lied to me and went on a trip with another girl. Safe to say, when I found out I terminated all contact with him, I had blocked him on everything I could.. except email. For 2 months he would email me telling me he wanted to talk and everyday i would ignore him or tell him i wasn't interested. Finally I gave in and I let him explain to me over the phone, I had no intention of getting feelings for him again.. but I did. It's only been 2 weeks of us talking, he told me he slept with his waitress while we weren't talking which is ok cause i slept with someone also.


Now, yesterday I found something out that he didn't mention to me which made me really upset. He begged me to understand and not cut him off again, I have never seen someone so desperate for me!! Anyways, I was really upset. I was going out later that night and he knew this, keep in mind we are not together and I told him that we are not getting back together. I brought someone home last night, and I told him because I wanted to be open and honest with him. He completely lost it, he blocked me on everything and the last thing he said to me was "You're a ing and I never want to see you again, have fun f'ing every single guy you meet for the rest of your lonely life"


I'm upset for obvious reasons, and I know he's being over dramatic.. but am I really a ? I've never really believed anyone can be a because it's human nature to want to sleep with other people. I have slept with a few people in the last few months, and I'm hurt because is this really how people see me? Is what I'm doing wrong and was it out of place for me to do this?

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No, you're not and he doesn't think you are either he just got false hope that you were going to get back with him when you broke no contact.


Reinstate ZERO contact (block him from email as well) and get on with your life without him in it. If he contacts you again, don't give him any crumbs of attention. Just ignore him.


You've had a long relationship that has been 'rocky.' Rocky relationships should never be allowed to be 'long.' Time for you to allow one another to get to the blissful stage of indifference to each other.

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Don't tell your ex who you sleep with. What did you expect to come from that? Jealousy? Be honest here. It's either that or nothing.


Do what you want as long as you protect yourself from pregnancy and STDs


The reason I told him is when we started talking again we agreed to be completely honest with each other. I don't know what I expected from talking to him again considering we're not together and i'm not going to hold off for a guy i'm not with. He asked me if I did and I said yes, because that's what I would want him to do. I really just expected him to take it better since this is what he asked of me, but I shouldn't have.

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No, you're not and he doesn't think you are either he just got false hope that you were going to get back with him when you broke no contact.


Reinstate ZERO contact (block him from email as well) and get on with your life without him in it. If he contacts you again, don't give him any crumbs of attention. Just ignore him.


You've had a long relationship that has been 'rocky.' Rocky relationships should never be allowed to be 'long.' Time for you to allow one another to get to the blissful stage of indifference to each other.


I do feel a little guilty for giving him that false hope, and can't lie and say I didn't like the attention however this is much to volatile. We bring out the absolute worst in each other. I agree and will block him and will not speak to him. Thank you for your insight!

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