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Hey guys. I was with a girl for almost a year. At the beginning everything was great but then it went downhill. We just had dumb fights over things that eventually led us to break up. We both have our own personal things that we are working on and I still believe it was the "right person wrong time" type thing. We broke up a few months ago and didn't talk for a couple weeks. Then we met up and became friends. The flirtiness was still there and one time I ended up staying and we had sex. One day we ended up having an argument over something done and we both have kept our distance since. The other day she texted me asking if I was seeing anyone and then she told me she went on a "lunch date" with an ex from her past that was down for the weekend visiting family. She then said we are better off as friends and that she will always love me and wants to be in my life. I am thinking about going no contact for a while and reaching out to her in a few months. I would love to get back with her but the timing just isn't right. Is there any chance that the future her feelings will change?

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I dont think anyone here has a crystal ball to predict the future but then, anything is possible when it comes to romance. Going NC for a while is a good idea. If she's looking to go back to the previous guy, she can do that, and see how it goes. In the meantime you can get on with your life.

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In less then a year together all you did was argue in between bouts of sex (probably). Then, she calls you up to rub a "lunch date with an ex" in your face... pffft. You guys even argued after you had sex as "friends."


I think its time you went permanent no contact, learn from the mistakes made and find someone you can get along with better.

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