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Really torn on what to do...

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Wasn't sure where to put this post but I am really torn on what to do. Long story short, my ex and I broke up a long time ago now, almost a year and a half, and he got engaged to someone else quickly. We have had minimal contact as he basically cheated on me emotionally. Last contact we had was me telling him to leave me alone since he called me one night repeatedly months ago. Well the other night I got home from camping for the weekend, my phone had been dead, I turned it on and I had a notification that the girl he was with was trying to add me on social media. Not only that, she had his last name as hers, even thought I do know they aren't married yet. She did this on the only social media platform I didn't think to block her on..twitter.

I know she changed her last name to his to take a dig at me, what I don't understand is why? I have done nothing to this person, I have only had contact with him to tell him how disappointed I am and hurt that after 5 years together and us buying a home he treated me this way. We had known eachother for 7 years in total. I really don't understand why she would do this? Its not like I have been blasting him with texts asking for him back or anything...



My dilemma is this, I am really tempted to write him and tell him what a psycho this person is. If you read my previous threads this girl has displayed some weirdo behavior...breaking into his phone, calling my cell phone from his when I found out about them and me and him were talking in the car, stalking me on social media, adding all his family 2 days after we broke up...the list goes on. My friends say to leave it as its obviously a sign she is super insecure and that if they were truly happy and in a good relationship no one in there right mind would do that. They say obviously something is going on for her to do that to me. I know ultimatrly its not about me its about her issues/...but I feel like I want him to know how psychotic that is and not cool. I am trying to move on...like screw off!!

Should I tell him to get a handle on this chick?? or should I leave it and let her sabotage the relationship herself??

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