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a dream Ide like to interpretate

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In my waking life I havn't spoken with my old bestfriend for almost a yr. In my dream I dreamnt me and her were friends and talkin through out frustration and having a good time. She takes this pretzel out of a small white paperbag. She asks me if i want some? I say sure and she break it in half. Then i notice she has a blue and purple bruised neck with slashed red cuts.


Im freaked out about this dream.


I woke up right after that dream to fall asleep again. This girl and I are in a neighbor hood lost. We were scared because i didn't have my cell with me. I began to cry. We then see this white van pulling up. She starts to run and tells me to run and she starts to cry. We see this house that in my dream world im familiar with.


I tell her to go inside i KNOW THAT PERSON! I jump to this hanging branch and swing way high up where he couldnt see me, hiding. As soon as i hear the van door shut and see this huge man with a bald head and mustache gettting out his van.


I make a run for the door to get inside the ladys house. I escaped from him within an inch or 2. I see another door he is trying to get into. I get in by the screen door. I ask the lady if she rememebers me and she says no. I see my dads truck parked out side and i tell her we almost bought this house. And I awake.


It would really help me out if somebody can help me tell what these dreams mean. They are a little disturbing.

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thanks yall!


I found those sites a little helpful. I just wish i knew what to do with what i now know.


The thing is i still don't knwo what that dream meant about my ex bestfriend who's neck was injured, it didn't say nething in either of those sites.


The chasing dream sourtof still confused me.


Does anybody know a solution to solve the "meaning". Dream dictionary's only slightly help.

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To dream that your (or i'm assuming somone else's) neck is injured, indicates a separation between your heart and mind.---perhaps you fear that your friend is holding a grudge against you---putting more weight on the bad times then the good.




To see a pretzel in your dream, symbolizes devotion, spiritual beliefs and life's sweet rewards. You are embracing life and extending yourself to help others. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are preoccupied with some complex issue and are not sure how to handle it.

---make sense?


To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity


based on this---I am guessing you and your old best friend had a falling out and your soul still feels that she has something to offer your soul. Perhaps deep down you miss teh closeness you used to share...but you are torn over whether or not to get in touch with her because of the falling out.

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Thanks for the interpretation!


I just still donno whether to try to talk her again or not.


Hey yall...Something weird has to be going on. My dreams are real acurate or something.


a friend of mine, this guy I kind of made out with a while back and we use to hang out. I havn't spoken with him within like 2 months or more.


In my dream. He called me and some girl took the phone from him. I told her...i was like ur his girl aren't u? And i heard a lil fighting and kind of pictured it in my mind what was going on.


Whats crazy is that when i awoke. I thought to myself.. .. hmmm that would be really crazy if he were to call me today.


And guess what? I looked at my missed calls and what do u know, his name showed up. I just now called him back and told him that i can't go out. Then he told him to call him whenever i get a chance to go out or w/e. I was like alright a hung up


What the heck? another dream and it actually ina since came true.? I was thinkiing about wanting to get in touch with him, but him and his friends all drink and choose to drive. They are fun to chill with, a while back. But now i dont party much and dont see the fun in driving while intoxicated.


Its weird that he called tho huh?? deshavew?

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