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Ok i have been single for almost 3 yrs i just started back dating to give love a try but it didnt work out. Well i finally seen a old flame from highschool, we are dating. However hes a great guy. .but his children mom have . A child by my childs father...in which shes with neither one...should i stop dating him because of that? We are very compatable with each other and have such a good relation thus far wht should i do?

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Wait what? Let me get this straight...


You (let's call you Angela) are dating Craig, and have a child from a previous relationship with John.

Craig has kids from a previous relationship with Daphne, and Daphne has kids from both Craig and John. Which means Craig's kids have half-siblings that are also your child's half-siblings?


That's an awkward situation if I ever did see one, but it's no reason to necessarily break up if you're all able to be mature about it. More people in the family, more love to go around? It really depends whether you can foresee this getting messy either between you and Craig, or whether Daphne and John (sorry, obviously don't know their real names and this is just confusing) would intervene due to jealousy/spite.


Personally I wouldn't get into it as there are too many things that could go wrong, seeing as there are so many children and family ties involved, but it's your call if you think that you two can handle everything maturely. Sounds messy.

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Ok i have been single for almost 3 yrs i just started back dating to give love a try but it didnt work out. Well i finally seen a old flame from highschool, we are dating. However hes a great guy. .but his children mom have . A child by my childs father...in which shes with neither one...should i stop dating him because of that? We are very compatable with each other and have such a good relation thus far wht should i do?


Not following...... Please clarify.

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OK... so your ex and his ex got together and had a kid. A bit unconventional, but not really seeing the issue? It's not like the kid is either yours or his, so I guess you see this new guy as an indirect reminder of the fact your ex moved on? That's about all I can get out of this.

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