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Cold sore issues...


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I know virtually everyone has the virus (probably me too!) but it shows worse in some people (cold sores and 'down there')... but just in case, why take the risk until it's 100% gone...


Anyway, in short... The girl I'm seeing had one and it has been taking AGES to heal - over a month. This means that all oral (from her) has been off and all kissing, which basically means sex has been completely one-sided (as lets be honest, all guys know handjobs are a waste of time!... but regardless, she hasn't even tried that either!).


I am getting a little bored/tired/fed up of pleasing her without much return (sexually), but also it's starting to wear on me emotionally as it feels like I'm 'loving' her but not getting loved back. Kissing is important for me and very very personal/intimate and the relationship is starting to feel almost like prostitution (I have no experience here but watch Pretty Woman for the gist).


It's not been a long relationship but I like her and this is starting to get in the way. Sex is essentially her jumping on me (she's very keen!), going for hours, but all the attention and kissing is me on her. I've started turning her down recently because I need that feeling of being loved, otherwise it's *just* sex. But it doesn't look like this thing is going away any time soon.


Am I bad for thinking this?

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I'm not sure what you want her to do. She evidently doesn't want to pass on the virus to you by putting her mouth into contact with yours or your body. But she still is eagerly participating in intercourse.


Would you be okay with her kissing you or performing oral with an active sore?


That said, if it's taken a month or longer to heal she should see a doctor. It shouldn't be taking that long and there could be something else causing the delayed healing.

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