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Blocked me on FB during a heated argument


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Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years. Last week we got into a huge argument to the point that we were seriously going to end things. We ended up making up by the end of the day. Well the next day when I was at work I FB messaged him and found out that both of my profiles had been blocked. I asked him about this and he said he had no idea how that happened but he did tell me he erased all of our FB messages and our normal text messages. I was hurt to hear that to say the least.

It sounds silly I'm sure but it kinda affected me. I enjoy getting on FB and being able to share things with him and him share things with me. Don't get me wrong, I am no FB junkie. I don't get on there everyday like he does. It was just nice that when I did get on there, we could share that together.

I tried talking to him about my feelings on this but I feel he is dismissing them. He says he doesn't want to fuss over this and tells me goodnight. If he really didn't block me, then why won't he send me another friends request? I just feel like this is a part of our relationship that is over and I have no say in the matter. How do I not allow this to bother me? How can I just go on like he does and not think twice about it?


Like I said, I know this is probably silly but my feelings are hurt here and I feel their being dismissed.


Am I wrong to feel the way I do? Any advice or thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated.

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Some would say it's silly however, it is a part of his world that he is purposely shutting you out of. He did it initially to hurt you and he got the reaction he wanted to. But now he is keeping it going for some unknown reason. Maybe to make a point? I have no idea. But it makes sense as to why you are hurt over this. It isn't nice to be blocked out.

You should ask him if it's okay for you to be on each other's Facebook again and see what he says.

If you both are serious about continuing this relationship and no more issues between you, sending one another a request shouldn't be a big deal.

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I've had this done to me by my gf and also done it back to her (I feel very immature for having done so!). We unblocked each other within a couple of days whenever this happened. Facebook represents a social circle which is quite important therefore of course it hurts. Maybe he is a bit immature or it could be something deeper. Either way, it's inconsiderate.

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I've had this done to me by my gf and also done it back to her (I feel very immature for having done so!). We unblocked each other within a couple of days whenever this happened. Facebook represents a social circle which is quite important therefore of course it hurts. Maybe he is a bit immature or it could be something deeper. Either way, it's inconsiderate.


I've done it too, so many times. When it's done after an argument, it's a passive-aggressive way of lashing out and getting back at them. If the person who deleted/blocked then refuses to add you back, it's either a power trip or they're taking one foot out of the relationship.

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If he really didn't block me, then why won't he send me another friends request? I just feel like this is a part of our relationship that is over and I have no say in the matter.


Of course he really blocked you! It's not something you can do by accident.


Whether or not this part of your relationship is over for good, only time will tell. But the fact that you'd apparently made up, and you're still blocked a week later, suggests that he's checking out of the relationship rather than just sulking. He effectively erased your presence from something which is an important part of his life. And unfortunately, you're right - you do have no say in the matter.


The only thing you can be confident about is that if you continue to get on to him about this, you're likely to end up pushing him away even further. All you can do is leave it, and hope that he re-invites you; unfortunately the fact that you nearly ended your relationship may still be with him.

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