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Kissing, ack!

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I hope you guys can give me some words of advice. I'm 21 years old and went on my first actual date last night. I was quite nervous since I had never been kissed before and I had a feeling that this time was it. So that time eventually arrived and it turned out to be completely different than I had ever thought it would be. It's nothing like I had ever imagined kissing to be like and I have to say I didn't enjoy it. I kind of cringe at the thought of it. Which I find really discouraging because I had dreamnt of the moment for so long (and that's probably a big source of the problem.) Maybe my expectations were to high, on the other hand I don't think I felt that strongly about the guy I was kissing. But now I'm worried that I'll never enjoy it, please tell me it gets better!


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It gets better.


When you meet a guy you like it will get better.

As you become more experienced it will become even better.

When you have been with the same guy for a while it will improve some more.

When you are with a guy you love it will be perfect.

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It gets better.


When you meet a guy you like it will get better.

As you become more experienced it will become even better.

When you have been with the same guy for a while it will improve some more.

When you are with a guy you love it will be perfect.



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My first real kiss was awkward...we did a little more than kiss and that was still awkward. Especially because there wasn't a lot of room in his car...lol. just look back and laugh.


A couple guys later (hehe) and it's made a difference, a very good one. I'm not that experienced but I know that later on down the road when I have more practice I will enjoy the intimacy even more!!


Don't worry about it. The first time for anything is almost always awkward. Just laugh at it and be happy that kissing will only get better

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It will get better. Maybe you were just nervous, or weren't ready or something.


People always want their first kiss to be perfect, so I think people get their expectations up so high because of it. Kissing does take practice. No one is perfect the first time. Not everyone enjoys it the first time. Keep giving it a chance because once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun!

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It definitally gets a ton better. I remember my first kiss, boy was it a disaster. I felt like someone had just dumped the ocean in my mouth. I turned around after he left and spit in the trash can! Lol. You don't know how to kiss, but you will learn. Practice makes perfect

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