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What Have You Done.

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heh, you know I've only been with my fiance for about 4 years now and I've gone through those phases myself. My sex drive is not as strong as hers, but we still seem to manage ok.


Let's start with you first...when you were younger, what really got you going? And don't give me that "I don't remember" excuse cause I know everyone remembers times like those.


If you can start there and talk with your wife and find out what did it for her too when she was younger, try and relive that, heck even role-play it if you have to.


There's no real universal answer to that question as every couple is different, but I think that should get you started in the right direction (hopefully).

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You question brought to mind our "super sex weekend". It was super bowl weekend, during the winter blahs. We went away for a weekend of sex. I should mention I've been married 14 years, and we were in a slump at the time, this was a few years ago. We got a hotel, made arrangements to stay naked with the exception of going out for food. We hit every sex shop in the city we were in, just to browse and maybe pick up a few toys. We spent the weekend exploring each other, loving each other, pleasing each other. It was the most erotic weekend of my life and it certainly got us out of our slump. I was horny for 2 days straight. It was awesome, and the effects were long lasting. I think we're due for another one!

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Well lots of things that you can do. Dress up- her and you- she can be whatever you want her to be and vis versa. Also there are games that you can get at sex stores. Also role playing is great. Go to a restraunt tell her to meet you there and act like you don't know one another. It's wonderful. Videos, food, vacation, all kinds of things. Tie her up, let her tie you up. Go to a hotel.. Take whatever you are doing and don't do it anynore. Do totally new and diffferent things. Go to a sex store together and get toys, outfits, whatever you need or want.

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