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Please help me, I finally asked this one girl out and now i don't know what to say or do. I'm terible at keeping a conversation going and I have an even harder time starting one. I was only able to ask her out because a friend helped me out. When she's talking to me I just listen and put in a little coments now and then. And are first date was a disaster, that's all I think about when we talk to one another. My last girlfriend I was able to talk to freely but with the girl I'm dating I can't say anything.

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Are there any reasons that you would like to share with enotalone.com, as far as why you do not feel you can not talk this girl "freely"(fallen_angle quoted). Because when you will gave some ideas as to why, then we can hopefully gave you some ways to over come those stopping blocks (meaning reasons why you think you can not speck "freely" (fallen_angle quoted) with her).

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I've found that in talking with people, especially people you don't know very well, that getting over your fear of public speaking combined with simply observing the little things in a keen manner usually helps best in overcoming what you are describing.


Case in point, lots of people have a fear of public speaking, even I did at one point in my life. But I eventually learned how to deal with it, and over the course of my life have gotten to meet a lot of different people. In that time I've learned lots of different ways to carry on a conversation but it all mainly boils down to just being observant of the person and keeping informed of current events. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend.

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You know wat I've realized something. Everyone who gives me advise on this site doesn't help me a bit or they try and act like they know so much. All of my problems I have came here with were solved, but without the help from anyone here. It's clear the people who offer me advise don't understand any of my problems. So go help someone else. I'll solve my own problems.


See ya.

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on ur new girlfriend....maybe she isnt your type. with the first gf i had i couldnt keep a convo going. cause she just simply didnt say anything that would link us onto a new topic it ended up getting boring and yeh.

she was very attractive but, i think personality is more important (too a degree). anyways..if your conversation doesnt pick up then meh..tell her it isnt going to work...i think that if you can make a convo last with a girl then she is meant for you.


if you REALLY want her then ask her about where she works...and stuff...and simply get a job there...or something like that....do somethign with her outside of school so you have something to talk about...

trust me...it works..

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on ur new girlfriend....maybe she isnt your type. with the first gf i had i couldnt keep a convo going. cause she just simply didnt say anything that would link us onto a new topic it ended up getting boring and yeh.

she was very attractive but, i think personality is more important (too a degree). anyways..if your conversation doesnt pick up then meh..tell her it isnt going to work...i think that if you can make a convo last with a girl then she is meant for you.


if you REALLY want her then ask her about where she works...and stuff...and simply get a job there...or something like that....do somethign with her outside of school so you have something to talk about...

trust me...it works..


Yep great point, I was exactly thinking along your lines. Some girls the conversation just flows, and I agree that the girls are much more meaningful when the conversation flows.

But when you have trouble with conversations.. especially in the beginning! Its always tough in the first date etc. to have stuff to talk about, but as you get to know the person more you just naturally have more to talk about.

I'd recommend if you have trouble with coversations.. to make dates someplace where you don't just have to sit down together and talk! No dinner dates!

Make a date to just walk around the mall.. visit different stores and look at different stuff.. this will give you plenty of stuff to talk about and you can show her stuff! go to a concert, etc.


You also were probably very nervous which doesn't help, as you needed your friend to help set the date up.

I notice in he past that when I was nervous on a date I froze up! I wasn't my normal self.. and came accross probably boring and dull. I wouldn't laugh etc.

That really made me look really bad!

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