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What turns guys on?

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What turns guys on? Lol, there's a big list of nice and naughty things that turn guys on. Lol. Well one thing that generally most guys like is like when women wear tight clothing, shirts and pants, and wearing skirts is pretty hot too. Flirting tips: Well, Smelling good is good, no strong stuff that irritates people's noses you know? Try something sweet for a change. Well when women pull there hair while talking to you and basically just looking into our eyes to us is pretty attractive. Touching the guy like in the slightest way or what not is pretty cool too, I mean if the guy already likes you, he will walk out of the room if he's in school feeling like the greatest man ever to walk the earth lol! Yeah, well that's all I can think of. Oh yeah, and why flirt, just get to the point and ask us out we don't like to play games!

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Well everything you probably do already attracts guys, anything else that's left is giving us some ***moderate*** attention (don't give us your all and load us with attention you don't know if they feel the same), all that's left for you to do really is just to make yourself look good. It's really just personality that attracts us outside of what you look like, flirting doesn't make all that big of a deal.

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Metallicaguy---you never cease to amaze me...




I've been doing a lot of people watching lately...I have come to the conclusion that you don't really have to do a whole lot to attract a guy...as long as your not severely obese and you have two breasts and a rear end ---there's not a whole lot more to add to the equation. I'm being cynical...but i think you get the drift.

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Yeah, pretty much we will already be like turned on and already like you from talking to you, getting to know you, and just plain looking at you lol. We're not really hard to amuze like women. Where women have like all these switches guys have one switch, you turn it on it stays on. lol.

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I've been doing a lot of people watching lately...I have come to the conclusion that you don't really have to do a whole lot to attract a guy...as long as your not severely obese and you have two breasts and a rear end ---there's not a whole lot more to add to the equation. I'm being cynical...but i think you get the drift.


lol, i like your description, greenie!

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Generally, you need to be cheerful. The prettier ones can get away with it, but if they are also cheerful, then it's an extra to the pretty face. Second thing is that you have to be able to connect with the guy. Same hobby or same interest will do.


It doesn't affect me as much, but i've notice some guys would check out the girl's body and determine whether they're "hot" or not through just that part. It's a little bit strange to me although i wouldn't mind that extra bit, but some guys' main focus is the body and how thin they are. I'd say around 15% of the guys are like that.


But all in all, i think you should watch out on what "not to do" rather than what to do. As long you are comfortable with dating and are accepting to people, the "not to do" list shouldn't be a problem. You don't want to be the type of girl who will complain and complain and complain and complain. Nor do you want to be ones who are too naive and act cute. What else... Don't judge guys too early, or else we won't give chances at all (we can definitely sense it). Don't show any sign of superiority, especially in comparison with other girls. Don't show any signs of putting down any male. Whenever any female show signs of what i've just listed, it's over.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like a girl who will tease me a bit all in good humour. It makes it more fun and engaging.


Do not coc.ktease anything remotely phallic until you have been with a guy quite a while. It makes you look like a s.lut and makes you look desperate too At least for me it does.

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