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Boyfriend and best friend neglects to invite me to events


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My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, and we have been dating for over a year but have only been LDR for about 8 months. We see each other every 2-3 months as I have to drive up 5 hours to see him and find time to do so between our school and work schedules, and we have run into some relationship problems (bad communication, feelings of distance and loneliness) but have been able to work through them thus far. However, he recently approached me about a beach trip he is planning to take with a group of friends during summer break (I too am friends with everyone in this group and know the majority of the people, and we are both best friends with the person who is planning the trip.) and he asked if it would be okay for him to go since I was planning on going to see him around the same time as the trip is going to take place. The thing that bother me is that neither my boyfriend nor my best friend bothered to invite me along! They know I am free to go, and they are aware that I am not adjusting well to the new state I am living in and am having a hard time finding friends at college and essentially have no social life unless I drive up to see them. I dropped hints to show that I want to come along and that I am free to go but they don't pick up on them. This isn't the first time they've failed to invite me to an event but it's beginning to hurt as I feel that they don't care. I know that they have their own lives away from me but the people they are going with are people I know and people who run in the same friend group as I, I wouldn't think that there would be an issue with me coming as everyone is inviting extra people and their own boyfriends and girlfriend along. Do I have a right to be mad/sad and to confront my boyfriend and ask for an explanation as to why I have not been invited?

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Why "hint"? Just tell the bf and friend you want to go.

I dropped hints to show that I want to come along and that I am free to go but they don't pick up on them. This isn't the first time they've failed to invite me to an event but it's beginning to hurt as I feel that they don't care.
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