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Hi everyone.

Long story short my LDR relationship ended in December. Up until 2 days ago i was still holding to that last peace of hope that she might come back (same sex relationship!).

The worst part is- i met someone else and it helped me get over her but then she started texting and calling even though shes in a new relationship too. That set me back because i thought 'ha she misses me,i might have a chance'. Stupid. Talked to her 2 days ago ( she would always initiate contact,eould call me in the middlenof the dsy,or night ,or keep asking about me) and she seemed to be completely over me ,i guess this new person is helping,doesnt help​ ​that her new girl is pretty but what can you do. She then tells me she got herpes which just hurt me because it feels like she's a completely different person. She then proceeded to cry to me about the herpes and i asked her if shes happy and she said shes okay and that she feels guilty cause im not okay,but i told her I'm fine and stuff which was true until that very conversation and im not fine now. Have to accept that my ex replaced me 2 months after breaking my heart and is now seemingly happy. Needless to say,i finally made that step,and i blocked her from EVERYTHING because i cant stand to see anything.


So guys and girls,dont get fooled by their calls( even tho i ignored her and she flipped out and called non stop) and their 'im thinking about how youre doing,hope youre okay' texts. Just stay NC ,trust me.


Also i made the mistake of getting drunk and just writing her a long message when i should have just left it but at least i know i tried this one last time.


Any comments are welcomed!


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I'm sorry to hear this. I think you have answered your own question. You've learned that NC is the best way to heal and move forwards. In fact, I think you're in a healthier and better mind set than she is. There's a reason she's rushed into another relationship and it's not for a good one! I can't see that ending well for her or her new partner. It doesn't matter what this partner looks like by the way. Even the most physically attractive people get hurt. I think you put up with more than you needed to, but I understand why you did it. Now let it go. You won't ever get full closure. We rarely ever do. People try to come back into our lives when they feel lonely or other reasons. But in this situation you did absolutely the right thing. Focus on healing yourself and then when you're ready, be open to a brand new start with a fresh perspective on love! Don't let this hiccup in your life journey hold you back for the future.

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You did the right thing. But what to do when you can't escape from your possessive and controlling boyfriend? Who tells you he's gonna kill himself if you won't be friends with benefits? And what you would do if you are unhappy with him, but you don't want him to kill himsefl..? Please, i'm in this desperately situation and i need some help..

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You did the right thing. But what to do when you can't escape from your possessive and controlling boyfriend? Who tells you he's gonna kill himself if you won't be friends with benefits? And what you would do if you are unhappy with him, but you don't want him to kill himsefl..? Please, i'm in this desperately situation and i need some help..


You shouldn't hijack other's threads. You need to go back to your own, as you received numerous responses.

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