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I've been dating this girl on and off for about 11 months. She is my first real girlfriend. We went for 8 months, then broke up, and I was ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE!!!!! It was extremely tough. I felt like I lost the greatest thing ever. Meanwhile, all my friends and family were telling me that this was for the best, and she wasn't right for me. I was in a serious rut. We got back together eventually, and only for 3 more months. I knew I had to break it apart, because no one liked her except for myself. My closest friends told me she was out for money, and they didn't like her one bit. We broke up, and have been in and out of communication for some time. Then about a week and half ago, she told me she never loved me, she was going to start dating someone soon, and that there was nothing I could do about it. She told me she was going to start dating someone i know, and that she wanted to move on to bigger and better things than me. It CRUSHED ME, i was still in love with her. I haven't eaten anything in days, can't sleep at all, can't concentrate on anything at all, anything. I feel like a zombie! THEN, today, i found out that she went on a date with some other guy she met while bar hopping, She NEVER wanted to go to a place like that with me. This is KILLING me, What do I do?? I still have feelings or her, but i know she is trying to hurt me...help[/u][/i]

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Nothing hurts more than a cruel rejection. Though I think she said all that more for her own benefit than yours.


Know something? Storm has past, whatever the reasons, its time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, shrug your shoulders and soldier on. You lived perfectly fine before her, you'll live perfectly fine now after her.


Now go get yourself some good food, get a milkshake, get distracted - be it video games or sport, and get on with life.




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Do you know how nice it is to read about a guy being crushed by a girl. All I read is about girls hurting and guys not caring. My lifes the same I aways get guys who hurt me. We break up - he doesnt care (finds other girls ASAP) and I do. I'm always the crushed one. You seem like a nice guy she seems like a b***8 My mum always told me nice guys get the b***'s, nice girls get the bastards. So far it has proved true. Why cant I a nice girl get a nice guy like you who will love me back? Why cant you get a nice girl who will love you back? Life sucks does'nt it. Its not fair. Dont give up. Thats my advice. Keep on looking there is someone out there who is gonna love you just as much as you love them. Dont waste time being crushed about her. She sounds awful. I always get pissed off when girls like her get nice boyfriends. Proved by the fact that everyone disliked her. You should let friends and family influence you, but when they all say the same thing there must be something in it. Let go and move on. It was'nt meant to be. Take it as a compliment. You were'n meant to be with someone like her, you obvously deserve (and want) better. It will hurt for a while, but it will get less and less. Look for someone nicer okay. Learn from this. You just restored my faith in men. Thank you. Good luck finding someone that deserves your love. Good ridence to her. Promise me you'll block her out from your life?

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Thanks for replying to my message. I have to tell you, I'm really surprised people actually cared enough to reply. That makes me feel really good, people must care for me. Over the past 30 hours, I have seriously been absolutely numb. It's almost like it hasn't hit me yet fully, it's coming in small spurts. I sent her an email telling her I found out through a friend that I know about her "little date". This was last night, and she tried SEVERAL times to call me, left few voice mails, and left instant messages. I was SO hurt and upset at the whole situation, I didn't reply to anything. Now I feel SO guilty for not calling her back. I did everything I was supposed to, I honestly lived for her in every way, I always strived to be the "perfect boyfriend". And I thought I was. but guess not. it's TRUE WHAT they say...nice guys finish last. Funny, she's calling me right now as we speak, but I can't answer it cuz I KNOW i'm going to get hurt. I'm a very emotional person, and a very affectionate person. I need someone very affectionate. This is killing me not to call her back, but I know it's going to hurt worse. Thanks again for replying...

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For godsake why are u e-mailing her, particulary about knowing about her little date. Have some dignity mate. At least pretend to show her you dont care, have moved on with your life. Jez. I know it hurts but the worst thing to do it to show it. Its good to show it a bit, but I think your overdoing. You wont get over it if you dont pull yourself together. Yeah, you a nice guy finished last, this time anyway. Now MOVE ON. She's not worth all this. Dont contact her. Ignore her. She doesnt deserve you. I know how u feel cos I was there 2 months ago and I just cringe about what I did. I cried non stop, e-mailed him telling him how much I like him etc etc while he had other girls to his place (lets guess what happened there) and basically did'nt care. Now I'm thing what an idiot was I. I should of just shown I did'nt care and moved on with a bit of dignity. Now I feel like a fool. You will too later. So, just take some friendly advice and try and forget about her. No more dwelling on it, communicating with her etc. YOU DESERVE WAY BETTER. Btw nice girls finish last too. I've never yet in my 20 years had a nice bf.

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