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I feel stupid but I'm hurt.

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Does anyone have a loved one or someone they care for that can log in on this sight? If so I have a question. Do you read their forums? I recently was looking through the forums just reading seeing what was up and I came accross one that was my g/f. Out of curiosity i read it and it was about me. Nothing bad was said but what Was said hurt. Do i bring this up with her or do i just let it go as if nothing happened? I'm so confused and somewhat angry at what the replies were, but i know i shouldn't be. What do I do?

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I know what you mean, my g/f also posts on this site, and sometimes she'll reply to my posts, or post things about me that, as you said, aren't bad, but hurt. If it really hurts you, you need to talk to her about it, if you don't you could ruin your relationship, and I can tell by your nervousness, that that is the last thing that you seem to want.

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Don't start it as an argument, just sit down, and tell her you need to talk. Approach the subject calmly and tell her how you feel without trying to make her feel responsible, just let her know that what she said hurt, and that you want to talk about it. But if you don't get it out in the open, the feelings will eat away at you and either leave you an empty husk, or burst from you in a time of weakness, and that will cause a fight/argument, do you see where I'm coming from, if not, let me know...

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wow ya a close friend of mine, boredguy used to post here. and it wasnt even about something he said or i siad but just the fact that he knows my idenity. he decided to no longer use this forum. and i really appreciated it because i just cant be completely honest ya no. but you could talk to her if its osmething that really hurt because holding it in is not going to help you. but if its small better to just leave it alone.

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