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Please help me. I don't want to fall out of love.

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I don't even want to type this because it makes it real. But I'm so desperate. I've been with my boyfriend for about 3.5 years. 1.5 of those have been long distance, only seeing each other once a year. I love him. He is so sweet, and I see a pure soul when I look at him. I know he is crazy about me and completely in love with me too. But the past few weeks I've been feeling...so numb. So...unsure? I'm so scared. I feel like I'm slipping out of love. It's getting difficult to picture him next to me, picture him with me in the future. But he's all I want, I don't want anybody else. We have so much history. I would give anything to keep on loving him, but these horrible fears and thoughts will not go away. I have horrible anxiety and depression as well. Since it is long distance we are unable to go on dates or really talk face to face. We Skyped a few nights ago and that felt odd to me too. Please help me. Any suggestion. Please, I don't want to fall out of love. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm in a panic and I feel like I'm going to be sick.

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Why did it become a LDR? Yes very challenging to keep up the connection now that you are in separate worlds.


Consider your feeling as a warning sign that things aren't right. Who moved and why?

I've been with my boyfriend for about 3.5 years. 1.5 of those have been long distance, only seeing each other once a year. the past few weeks I've been feeling...so numb. So...unsure? I'm so scared. I feel like I'm slipping out of love. It's getting difficult to picture him next to me, picture him with me in the future.
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Just from your comments "I don't want to fall out of love" is somewhat telling. It seems as though you are afraid of what lies a head, whether it be more LD or breaking up. Remember, you aren't afraid of breaking up, you're just afraid of the unknown. I hope things work out between you two, u do seem to care for him.

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It could be the difficulties of the long-distance aspect of the relationship are starting to take it's toll. It does that. One moment you can feel deeply in love and know it's going to work out, next you may question everything.


You mentioned depression and anxiety, which begs the question; are you on medication? I ask because personal experience and that of friend's has enlightened me to the fact "numbness", as you describe, can often be a side-effect of said meds. Indeed, it's not the first time I've heard someone suffering from similar illnesses to have felt the same way.

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Why did it become a LDR? Yes very challenging to keep up the connection now that you are in separate worlds.


Consider your feeling as a warning sign that things aren't right. Who moved and why?


He moved away because his family is military. We are 17, and I do realize it's young.

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It could be the difficulties of the long-distance aspect of the relationship are starting to take it's toll. It does that. One moment you can feel deeply in love and know it's going to work out, next you may question everything.


You mentioned depression and anxiety, which begs the question; are you on medication? I ask because personal experience and that of friend's has enlightened me to the fact "numbness", as you describe, can often be a side-effect of said meds. Indeed, it's not the first time I've heard someone suffering from similar illnesses to have felt the same way.

I was on medication last year - but I highly disliked the side effects so I stopped. I am hoping it is just the distance taking its toll and that I still love him, but it has become hard to picture him by my side, strange to picture him kissing me, and I don't feel so connected anymore. But I don't want to leave. I want to feel happy like I did, because I want to be with him.

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If there is no hope of one of you moving to where the other one is within the next year, i would end this. Its not fair to see someone once a year. You need to make friends and feel free to go out with others. If a year or two go by and you both decide you want to reach out to eachother, that's one thing, but there is just no way to maintain this relationship at this time. If you were in college and had the ability to be more mobile - different story. You are also putting this guy on a pedestal, do you realize that?

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