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Long term girlfriend left me for a man (lesbian relationship)

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My girlfriend of 2.5 years left me out of nowhere, right after promising me she wouldn't leave. We were so happy together and only started fighting more recently. My friends keep telling me how happy she is without me, and how this "had to happen." It hurts so bad. I saw she changed her thing to say "bi" instead of "lesbian" and I wouldn't mind that if I knew she wasn't falling in love with someone else. She was spending a lot of time with this guy but promised not to worry about it. But she lied to me about this and a lot of other things. I have to see her every day and I don't know how I'm going to handle seeing her holding this guy's hand, kissing him, etc. I've decided I need that to move on, no matter how much I love her. But she also said maybe this isn't forever so I wanna hold on and wait because I love her so much. But how do I do that? How do I let go?

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But she also said maybe this isn't forever so I wanna hold on and wait because I love her so much. But how do I do that? How do I let go?


Delete her from everything. She's not worth waiting for. Do you really think you're worth so little that you should wait around for a cheater who seems to have made you, not even her second choice, but third?

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