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help, having problems with new B/F

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i met this guy like 3 weeks ago. i only knew him for 4 days before he asked me out. he's always tellin me how beautiful i am and that he likes me so so so much. he tells me he was so depressed before he met me and that now hes so happy with me. i thought he was going too fast, so i broke up wit him and he started to cry. then we got back together. all his friends are like its ur wife, u guys would have cute kids together. His ex g.f of four years also keeps calling him.. and i know they talk on the phone and see each other in school. She is crazy because she is always talking a lot of [Removed by Moderator] to everyone about him and me ( she has never even seen me.) And yet he still talks to her. I feel like its all about the image, he is only with me because he is lonely, i mean yeah he might like me, but he over does it. This really confuses me and honestly i dont think i even have feelings for him. I think im just with him ... just to have someone. Sometimes i wish i had what me and my ex boyfriend had. And i really dont see this happening with my current b/f. SO IM thinking... SHOULD I STAY WITH HIM? OR SHOULD I JUST END EVERYTHING? PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

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I think that you already answered your own question. You don't really have feelings for him. You seem to not want to believe your own feelings, or perhaps you didn't stick with your original decision to break up with him because you felt bad? Or because you were lonely?

I think that you should go with your gut feeling, which sounds like, sincerely, you should break up with him.

Good luck!

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No one can tell you what to do but you have to follow your heart and be in the relationship for the right reasons, also you can't compare others to your past relationship or everyone won't seem right to you. Give persons a fair chance if you decide to go in another relationship no two relationship will ever be the same.

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