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Does eye contact really mean anything??

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I know this is a total teeny-bopper question but anyway! Theres this guy i've had a crush on for almost a year now and he knows i like him but the thing is lately we keep getting really awkward eye contact. Obviously im looking at him cos i like him but i don't even do it on purpose and he'll always just happen to look over at me at the same time. I don't know if this means he might have feelings for me too cos it could be just a coincidence but I know if I don't like someone I just won't look at them. Are guys different with this stuff? Is he just lookin to see if I'm lookin at him? help!

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Oh we talk alot thats the weird thing, he works in the bar i go into. He'll always come over and have a laugh with me and my friends. It's just really awkward cos we'll both look at eachother and look away, I dunno if it means anything though. I think you can tell alot by the way someone looks it you, but it could be all in my head cos i like him so much.

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You bet it does. And it's no coincedence that you two make eye contact with each other quite a bit.

1.You like him

2.You've caught his attention


Only thing now is to open up conversation and see if he's looking at you so much for the same reasons you're looking at him.

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That's what im thinkin, but what do I do now?? If he was really interested wouldn't he make a move, especially knowing that I like him. I don't think this guy has ever had a relationship, i don't want to scare him into thinking im looking for some kind of commitment from him

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That's what im thinkin, but what do I do now?? If he was really interested wouldn't he make a move, especially knowing that I like him. I don't think this guy has ever had a relationship, i don't want to scare him into thinking im looking for some kind of commitment from him

If he's never had a relationship and he isn't making a move then maybe he's just shy. Go ask him out.

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I'm even more shy than he is, ill have to order about 10 vodkas from him first! haha! only kidding. I'm gonna have to do something cos it's wrecking my head, it's gone on way too long already! I just don't know how to word it without scaring him off

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Oh we talk alot thats the weird thing, he works in the bar i go into. He'll always come over and have a laugh with me and my friends. It's just really awkward cos we'll both look at eachother and look away, I dunno if it means anything though. I think you can tell alot by the way someone looks it you, but it could be all in my head cos i like him so much.


Oh honey! Don't you know? Who's ever near you likes you! It sounds like he's into you, but is kinda shy. The "venus and mars" books suggest that a good way for a woman to ask out a man is to ask him for his help with something. Like, right now, my dresser is broken, and I'm going to ask my friend (and I only like him as a friend LOL!) to help me fix it. (It's a big dresser - two person job.)


What do you guys think? Would asking him for his help with something be a good way to ask him out?

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I'm even more shy than he is, ill have to order about 10 vodkas from him first! haha! only kidding. I'm gonna have to do something cos it's wrecking my head, it's gone on way too long already! I just don't know how to word it without scaring him off


Look, you both being shy isn't going to get you anywhere. It's entirely possible he's just trying to keep up with his work at the bar.


Smile at him when making eye contact...that's usually a great place to start. If he reciprocates, start up a conversation. What to talk about? I have no idea, so think of something before you go there in case it does happen. Just try to keep a couple of topics in mind to get started and let things go from there. Yes, I'm suggesting YOU take some initiative.

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I make eye contact with guys all the time that I "like" but wouldn't be interested in dating. I think guys may do it if they like you though... I'm just a generally friendly person. Unfortunately, I'm probably also leading them on as some of them I'll spend quite a long time chatting with, and joking with and such. hmm... oh well.

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Well when unattractive women I don't like give me looks and it's constant, I look back. It's something pre-wired into humans. If we catch someone looking at us we look back (most of the time). If he's looking and your looking and it's awkward he's probably checking if your checking him out and he's uncomfortable with you doing so. I feel uncomfortable when most women do this to me so yep lol. It's most likely not a state of a crush. Most likely he's uncomfortable with you looking at him. If it

feels awkward since humans are sensuous animals, when we pick up these vibes it's usually true. If you think it's awkward he probably thinks the same or it seems awkward to you because he thinks so. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Well when unattractive women I don't like give me looks and it's constant, I look back. It's something pre-wired into humans. If we catch someone looking at us we look back (most of the time). If he's looking and your looking and it's awkward he's probably checking if your checking him out and he's uncomfortable with you doing so. I feel uncomfortable when most women do this to me so yep lol. It's most likely not a state of a crush. Most likely he's uncomfortable with you looking at him. If it

feels awkward since humans are sensuous animals, when we pick up these vibes it's usually true. If you think it's awkward he probably thinks the same or it seems awkward to you because he thinks so. Hope this helps. "


So would you not stare back at an attractive women if shes checking you out?

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