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Older Student Ranting about Circumstances


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I created an earlier post on this forum about where my life was going amidst my job search. It turns out I'm able to take one last year of schooling for my undergrad degree. This is good overall and I'm now able to meet the requirements for a double major in two subjects I'm interested in whereas I would have only graduate with a major and a minor.


However, it dawned me as I was leaving class and I saw two young likely teenage girls sing at me when I was out the door; I'm a middle-aged man who doesn't have a career established yet and hasn't proved himself to the rest of society. I am an aged and aging low-value male in an industrialized country who has little weight, status or wealth to my name and I am freakin' pathetic. I'm so pathetic that even the young and inexperienced see that I'm a joke.


And, you know what, I'm going to say that is unfair.


I don't deserve to be laughed at. I don't deserve to looked upon as useless or without value. I definitely don't feel there is a good reason for people to feel I should be at the bottom because of my age or the lack of my status. But that is the social world in which I am in part. The young see me as a joke who should be cast aside or discarded. Those my age or older are likely established who think I'm a liability to their own status or their progress. I'm am alone and left with little to look forward to in terms of any societal mobility or progress of social stature.


And you know what. It's not fair.


Rant over.

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I was asking because middle aged isn't that bad at all. But some people think middle aged is 25, where as others thing middle aged is 50, so I was just curious.

I wouldn't take too much into account the options of teenage girls, why does their opinion even matter?

You are bettering yourself by acquiring knowledge and learning new skills that will help you obtain a career. There is no time limit for these things and just because you may be starting later, doesn't mean anything and it definitely does not make you less than.

You shouldn't feel the need to prove yourself to anyone, apart from possibly yourself.

I think you're being way too hard on yourself. You are doing well, keep going and stop looking around at what everyone else might be thinking.

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You're working on improving yourself and heading somewhere - well done you! While there are social expectations that education is for young people, the fact of the matter is people are going to have to update or change their skills over the course of their lives. I think people getting an education at any stage of life is a positive thing.


Why do these two teenage girls have so much authority over how you feel about yourself? They sound really immature.

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From the outside looking in at your picture, here is what I see -


One man working hard to improve himself, his life, and his potential.

Two young women who probably never had a serious responsibility in their lives making fun of someone else.


If you had something important that had to be done, like a job, who would you give it to? The man, or the teens?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm behind the curves in terms of my age. I have to admit that. But at least I'm doing something with my life regardless of how others think of me.


It's funny how we sometimes let our insecurities get to our heads.


We as a culture like to think that there is one path in life we should all be following. If you don't follow that path, people might think badly of you...


It's all nonsense. This is your life. Follow the path that's right for you. Period. Frankly, people have an endless supply of judgements, so no matter what any of us do, we have people who will criticize it...but if we purposely surround ourselves with good people, we will also have people who will cheer us on. Focus on those people.


I started college when I was older. It took me sixteen years to finish while working full time and raising kids. I use this as an example of my strengths, like perseverance and commitment to a goal. When others look down their noses at me for going to school later in life, I simply ignore it. I'm proud of me. Others don't have to be.


It's not an easy attitude to adopt, but it is another way of looking at things. Be proud of yourself!

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