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whats wrong with me!

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whats wrong with me i get scared when someone tells me they like me, every tiime my boyfriend tells me how much i mean to him or how much he likes me i just want to run away, okay he really wants to get merried in future and i do too. so my mom really likes him, and im scared i dont want her to like him, i dont know why,i dont even want his mom to like me, and im rude i hate myself..for that.. i dont want anyone to like me....argh whats wrong with me.am i sick?

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Yeah, well, here's a question for yourself: Do you feel like you deserve to be liked? From what you posted, I believe you think you do not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, when we get hurt it is natural to put up a wall to prevent the same things from happening again.


You need to open up a little more and enjoy the fact that people indeed DO like you. Take it as a compliment. I think you'll find that you really have nothing to fear at all.

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Well it sounds to me like you are having trouble opening up or accepting there feelings that your man has for you because you are afraid of getting hurt again.


There isn't any "instant remedy", so i think that you are just going to have to learn to feel good about the love that he has for you, it will take time but im sure that if you try to open up and reciprocate the feelings that he shows you then you can overcome this difficulty.

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