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I met this woman a couple of years ago on my bike club, I would talk to her once in a while and I had a little bit of a crush on her. Eventually I got to know her and we started to hang out together as friends. It was obvious we were attracted to each other , but she told me she wanted to remain friends. I was OK with that because we were very good friends.


One day we were at her place and I kissed her , she was Ok with that and we started a relationship. A few weeks into the relationshiop she told me did want a serious realtionship , but we were sleeping toigether a week later. She would always say one thing and do another .She broke up with me 3 months in to it,then she asks me back only to break up with me again.I called her after about a month and she wanted to go to a movie together as friends. I wanted to get back with her, so I tried to rekindle a friendship.She would send me all kinds of mixed signals (touching ,holding hands), but as soon as I showed intrestrest in her she stopped calling me.


A few months later again I tried to be just friends with her. She was happy to see me again and we hung out a few times as friends. she would do the asking out , I could tell she was really enjoying my company. We got along great ,I did nothing but act as a friend , but when I ask her out I always got an excuse for not going . I would see her around and one day she would act really friendly to me and the next day she would act as I was a stranger.Mow she avoids me because she knows I am interested in her.


it seems like she is afraid of me. its like she sabotages a good thing because she is afraid of getting involved to seriously.

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