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I'm a little embarrassed...

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This is hard to ask, but this being an open forum and all, I have a question to ask. I think I may be addicted to masturbation. It is like my vibrator is my best friend these days. I do it all of the time. Recently I have even been cancelling plans with friends to stay home and masturbate!! I am so embarrassed by this! I also have started to look at pornography on the internet, which I never have done before. I am in a relationship with a great man, he is significantly older than me. Right now he is on a business trip, has been gone for a week and will be gone for another ten days. At age 25 I feel like I am too old for this sudden obsession with masturbation. Do you think this means an unhappiness with my relationship on some subconscious level??

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Well maybe you should ask yourself "would I rather masturbate or have sex with my partner?" that may answer your question.


And I dont think it is all that unhealthy to do it alot or to look at porn. Guys do it ALL the time, and nobody thinks they are weird for it. Plus I firmly believe its healthy, your 25 which is nearing your sexual peak, so "vibe on, I SAY"


and I love your quote, WHOO hoo kelly clarkson!

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It reminds me of the episode of Sex and the City where Charlotte gets that pink bunny vibrator and spends days in bed


I don't think you have to worry about your relationship as far as the vibrator goes. It tells me you miss having sex, because you are very used to having it on a regular basis.


About the porn, do you think you are more attracted to what you see, than to who you are involved with?



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Actually the pornography I have been looking up is women masturbating. I think I maybe am just looking at it to make me feel like this is all normal. I suppose I just miss him... I just have never experienced something like this before, I was getting a little insecure about it, I just wanted to be reassured that I am normal.

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I don't think the porn you are looking at is weird, with the porn that my b/f and I watched together the only scenes I liked were the women on women, and I know that I am not gay, its just that the women's body is much more attractive naked, and porno men are kind of gross.

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If you are missing appointments in order to masterbate then you have a problem on your hands. It wouldnt be healthy if you were skipping appointments in order to have sex either. If this seems to have come on all of a sudden its possible it could be temporary and you are responding this way because your partner isnt around. If this happens to continue then you are going to need to step away from the vibrator.

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---NOT true!! SOme guys never masturbate. And of those who do, they don't do it all the time...LOL....



Lol I think its different for each guy. I do it like 2-4 times a day. Most of my friends do also. I only know of a few guys who rarely do it, and don't know of any guys who dont do it. So it varies, there is no right answer.




as for the thread starter, I dont think its wrong at all your doing that, ive cancelled plans to stay home and masturbate, granted it probally takes me a lot less time and I can just tell my friends ill be late.


my .02$

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Been there, done that...you just have to go with it until you are satisfied.


Delayed gratification can be fun, too, if you are worried about missing appointments or school...LOL. Just tell yourself that you are NOT going to get off until you finish what you are doing and get home and have time....and stick to it.


Good practice for adult life.


Anyway, having been through the same thing, I think it is impossible to masturbate too much as long as you are not harming yourself or others in any way. If you are missing out on life or if you get a little sore (ow!) just tell yourself that you have the rest of your life to do it as much as you like, and go on about doing the non-masturbation activities that will enable you to make that come true!


Hope this helps.

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