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Friend problems.... i'm pretty confused.

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Hey folks,

I have this friend, and basically I can't really say I enjoy being around him much. I don't like his attitude and i don't like the way I feel around him, I reckon he's just overpowering and he makes me feel pretty uncomfortable.

Lately we have had a bit of an argument and its resulted in us kinda not being bothered much with eachother, and to be honest most of the misunderstanding was his fault, yet he's the kinda guy that won't see that.

SO! for a long time i've been thinking that I don't like being around him, but at the same time i'm confused cuz I don't wanna lose friends and maybe even end up with none. Maybe I'm just a sucker for things that aren't good for me but I'm finding it hard to make a decision..

What do you peeps think???


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Sometimes you just have to deal with people, and be nice, ya know...but if you have choice - and this 'friend' isn't treating you like you would like to be...forget about him, and don't worry about it. You say you don't really like him, but it bothers you that you don't hang out anymore? Maybe you don't like the negative energy...you don't have to hate eachother, or even really dislike eachother, but you don't have to be best buds either. Thay may have been confusing - but basically what I'm trying to say is, don't try to patch up the relationship, just be polite...this will probably pass anyway.

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Sometimes apologising for something, even though you are 100% positive that it was not ur fault can help. I mean its easier being friends than it is being enemies.

Leave it for a bit, for the pressure to blow off and try talking again. If you were good mates before then u will be good mates again, it will just take a bit of time.

The best way to go about it, is try to talk to ur mate and not bring up anything about how you two fell out with each other. If he does bring it up, then just reply with something quick and move on.

Just wait and it will work itself out.

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